We have 2 Heart: Physical Mind Matrix Control of our Hearts

 We have 2 Heart: 

Physical Mind Matrix Control of our Hearts

In the Divine Principle and Unification Thought we talk about 2 different hearts, physical one and the spiritual one. But we have to go further in understanding energy field of our physical mind and how it has been influenced and controlled by low spirits. In our days those who control the earth under the guidance of Satan have developed number of genetic and frequency based means to influence our physical emotions, feelings and actions. Thus, all the Fallen history was one in which humanity has been influenced and controlled by these dark forces, preventing us to reach our true spiritual potential and developing our spiritual heart. 

Many of the articles in this blog explain how all that works. But one thing that this video also explains well, is how our physical mind heart is made by the Matrix to mislead us to constantly go against our spiritual desires, against God by it's ego-function of avoiding pain.

True Father Moon also spoke about that. All people of faith are desperately running away from God, thinking that they are going towards him. Why? Because they are running away from the pain. But God in fact is right behind this cloud of darkness that is so painful to bare. So only by 'gladly enduring' the pain and willingly choosing this difficult path, instead of running away from it, is that we can reach God, and discover our true Divine self. 

It's very simple. Each time we turn the right way, Satan and his spiritual and physical forces are mobilized to attack us. Even if this attack is subconscious a spiritually weak person will hurry to avoid the agony. So, without knowing why, subconscious will make him choose the wrong direction, thinking that it will bring him relief - because it feels better. After several such experiences we become 'conditioned' to avoid that direction. Not only that, now our physical mind starts creating 'excuse philosophies' of why we should do that. And we eagerly start 'multiplication of evil' spreading the same failure concepts on those around us. 

For example, a in FR one will set a higher goal, and feel so heavy that it's difficult to function. Instead of realizing, that's the indemnity he has to go through to reach his goal, he determines to never again set higher goals, for they make him uncomfortable. 

I experienced years of STF spreading this false failure concepts on others. Teaching them publicly, in total disregard of DP and Father's teachings. Until finally the Commanders united with me and we resolved that. But since the evil spirit world does not stop working, in a year or two the same fallen tendencies start coming back. So we have to be alert. 

In my situation, I see it spiritually, how spirits enter and torment the person to alter his feelings and actions. But if our spirit is strong, despite their spiritual presence in our energy field, we don't succumb to their influence. Instead we act correctly and they experience 'returning resurrection.' 

When these low spirits are unable to block a person, they enter in the surrounding weaker objects and are using them to torment and block that person. You will find many wonderful members who experienced that. It's pity that some of them didn't grasp this is a 'blessing in disguise' to make indemnity and enter the Completion Stage of growth. So they became resentful to members, leaders, etc. 

But I see spiritually another thing. When such spirits come to torment me, I see their state, their suffering, so I pray for them. I put efforts to overcome this state and from it reconnect them to God's love. Once they sense it and get free from their 'trapped emotions' they are so grateful that they will do anything to help me succeed in my daily goals. They always made sure that I recognize how grateful they are, by fulfilling immediately my wishes. 

As Heung Jin once explained, we don't realize that we are 'commanders' of millions of spirits. As you see, this is all about our heart. I hope this explains to you the inner war between our physical and spiritual hearts. But if you have questions or comments I would love to hear them. 

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