Every cell in your body is a battery

Every cell in your body is a battery

We have 50 trillion cells. Every cell is a battery. Every cell has about 1.4 V. Not much, but 50 trillion cells together, that's 70 trillion Volts electricity in your body right now. 

"The word health now means a normal supply of electricity in the body, and the word disease means an insufficiency of that power." -PROF. EDGAR L. LARKIN

The human system is an electro-chemic battery and the life principal is electrical. A man. brain and body, is a battery, and nerves correspond to wires. It is now certain that transmission of sensation over them is electric. 

The electric age is here. Drugs are hard hit on all sides, and an intelligent physician tells me that he has almost entirely stopped their use. See, THE PHARMA CARTEL

When a case of appendicitis comes into Dr. Archibald's office the physician trains the powerfully penetrating electric ray upon the sore spot. Right away 'the swelling goes down, and the excruciating pain stops short. And after five or six days, "after five or six applications." Dr. Archbald says, the cure Is always complete.

The new cure is nothing more or less than the process of bombarding the congestion about the appendix with electric rays and a high frequency current. The treatment causes the blood to return to the central circulation system, the congestion departs for the simple reason that the cause of the congestion has been removed — and that's the end of appendicitis.
  • "Electricity will restore the elasticity and buoyancy of youth," declares a famous New York physician.
No matter how old a man may be nor how young in years, whenever his arteries begin to harden, to resist the increased pressure of the blood, then he actually is old. Then the electric treatment must be. applied, and after a few times nature takes up the work and carries it, and the patient gets young, able to resist the encroachments of old age. See also, HEALING IS VOLTAGE

"By electric stimulus, the system is energized, the blood made to circulate equally, the digestion aided, the waste products eliminated, the repair tissues are assisted and the normal working of the, bodily functions restored."

Electricity is the. power which runs the human body— the force that keeps the heart going, the blood circulating and the various organs performing their functions. Electricity works the miracle of digestion and assimilation and converts, the food into' blood and bone, tissue and muscle, and supplies the :brain with power to think. 

The electric force generated in the stomach is taken up by the nerves and conveyed to the different of the body and is their life. So long as there is sufficient electric energy to satisfy the demands of nature the vital organs perform their regular functions properly, but just as soon as the natural electric force is overtaxed in any way the organs become weak and inactive, and sickness or disease is the result. 

You can't cure the trouble until you restore the lost force. Nature must have more electricity, or vitality. You cannot renew this force by dosing the stomach with poisonous drugs, which only help to drain away the vitality that you have.

"When every organ of the body has all the motive power — electricity— it needs, weakness and disease cannot exist." 

The purpose is to restore this electric force in a natural way. This will dive out pains and aches, builds : up vitality and strength and cures to stay cured all such troubles as lumbago, nervousness, rheumatism, insomnia,.- female complaints, varicose veins, weakness of any kind and all stomach, kidney, liver or bowel disorders.

When you consider that electricity is life to the organs you sends it, you can see how we get cured by giving energy to a person with our hands, or making him do the right exercises that will charge the body, plus change to a diet that's not exhausting the body and filling it with toxins, but giving it the needed nutrients and charging it. See, The Healer

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