OPEN YOUR THIRD EYE: Seeing Without Eyes Classes

 OPEN YOUR THIRD EYE | Learning Classes

The same way I use it to see and heal blockages and problems in the body. If you want to learn please contact me. You will learn not only to scan and see the situation, but also be able to change and heal it. Seeing the past and the future and be able to heal past and alter the future is also part of what you'll learn. And it's easy! 

This is a school where children learn to use their intuition to see blindfolded. I saw it with my daughter and we made a game with her friends. They had to guess how many fingers I am showing. Surprisingly, each time at least 2 out of 3 kids guessed correctly. Sometimes all of them. That was from the first time. With no training. 

When it works? When you are playful and have fun, that's when you get it right. When you are relaxed, calmed down, not nervous and worrying if you get it right. The opposite, learn to trust your inner self. When you are nervous you are misled by your physical mind. When you are in the state of love, joy, relaxation - your spirit mind can take over. 

How it works? As they explain it, their exercises help you to sense the vibrations of different objects. All universe is made of vibrations. Each element has different frequency. That's why they call it viber-vision. Converting the vibrations into a useful image. 

In this video you can see different exercises to see blindfolded. See colors, go through labyrinths.

But they can do much more. And even move objects with their spiritual power. Shooting precisely, dodging bolls and much more. Even driving bicycles through obstacles. There is no limit. There was a movie called "See" about blind people who sensed so much that people with vision were no match to fight with them. But this is even better than the movie. 


I never used it to see the reality, but I can teach you to go beyond that and sense more important spiritual things. Developing your spiritual senses is fun. And is also very useful. Remember, people going in the spirit world without their senses developed are blind and suffer. 


And as you can see from this video - the producer learned this with just little bit of training. Same like the kids I experimented with had great success from the first time. Of course their minds are more free and they were very enthusiastic, which definitely helped. But you can all start, learn and unlock your potential.

Seeing Blindfolded SOLO training
See figures exercises

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