Origins of Humanism
The most dangerous ideology today is Humanism. We live in age of Ideological War and the philosophy we have to combat and overcome is that of Humanism.
By Y.UTS | Unification Family Therapy HUMANISM: The Biggest Ideological Obstacle Today
"Humanism is not only the biggest evil in the world, but it is also the most deceptive of all religious philosophies." - Homar Dankan
Members often ask me, what exactly is 'Humanism'. Well, Divine Principle is very clear. Humanism is a product of our Physical Mind; it expanded as a Cain-type ideology. After Satan left Communism his power moved totally in the secular culture of Humanism and Relativism that destroyed morality and the foundation of the family in the last half a century. As Unificationists it is vitally important to reveal the true satanic nature of humanism and overcome it ideologically with the truth.
As Tim La Hay wrote in his book, Battle for the mind, "Most of the evil in the world today can be traced to humanism, which took over governments, United Nations, education, television and other most influential fields in life." Humanism controls the society today by a network of organizations - humanistic associations, the education, trade unions, pro-sex programs, universities, porn magazines, even the hospitals and the textbooks of our children. But how much the aims of humanism are beneficial for humanity? It turns out that the values they promote are extremely destructive to the family and society, and especially dangerous for our young people.
What secular Humanism infiltrates in the minds of people
This becomes obvious when we check their main philosophical base expressed in the Humanist Manifesto:
1. Humanism rejects traditional moral values. Not only values are made relative, but anyone who mentions what's wrong is marked by them as evil and amoral.
2. Humanism denies obedience to any authority, including parental, or the authority of God.
3. Humanism promotes selfish-individualism - extreme individualism, as the highest good: It propagates that everyone can do what he wants to satisfy his momentary desires.
4. Humanism directly attacks marriage and the family as outdated, claims free sex as normal.
The culmination of the "humanist manifesto" is that the freedom of any kind of sexuality should be allowed: Including same sex relations, sex outside marriage, sex with many partners, or sex with small children and animals. At the same time Humanism's aim is that "the family" should be denied as an outdated and unnecessary unit.
This philosophy directly aims to liberate people from any moral standards and social responsibility. This brought the collapse of morality in less than half a century. But real understanding of it's satanic nature comes when we see how it promotes the four fallen natures philosophically.
Origin and Nature of Humanism
"Secular Humanism is an outgrowth of 18th century enlightenment rationalism and 19th... This insidious philosophy is at the heart and core of the cultural war", writes David Treybig, autor of "Secular Humanism: Dangerous Modern Philosophy With an Ancient Origin"
However, the earliest cause of the existance of Humanism is the Fall of Man. Because of the Fall the spirit mind of the human being staied underdeveloped, unable to control the body. Instead the matterial, more anymal-like, earthy mind dominated our existence. This earthly mind is called Physical Mind. It includes the Brain functions and the energetical informational field stored around the body. In this state man's mind is not free. He is dominated by evil spirits, as The Divine Principle explains:
"As long as our spirit mind and physical mind are under the bondage of Satan, the functioning entity they form through their give and take action is called the evil mind. The evil mind continually drives people to do evil." DP
The development of humanism is well explained in the Divine Principle: "The Cain-type... revival of Hellenism... gave birth to the humanism of the Renaissance. As this movement developed further, moving in Satan's direction, it gave birth to the Enlightenment, which... further matured in the satanic direction, giving birth to historical materialism, which is the core of communist ideology."
But what exactly is the nature of humanism and why is it so evil and destructive?
1. Humanism Reverses all God's principles
From Principle viewpoint Humanism is the reversal of all God's principles. It sounds nice and has seemingly good aims for a better world, but it puts Object over Subject (Wife over Husband; Children before Parents; Students over Teachers); humanism is putting the external and horizontal over the internal and vertical. Because of that, automatically humanism destroys all vertical and horizontal order in the society.
2. Humanism is a Product of the Physical Mind
Why humanists do that? Remember, Humanism is a product of the Physical Mind. Humanism, same like the Physical Mind, puts the individual purpose over the purpose of the whole. Materialism, Individualism (the individual human interests), are set above Spirituality and God (the purpose of the whole). Thus, it violates all Principle laws; claiming that as good and attacking any attempt to restore the correct principle priorities.
(1) The Physical Mind cannot see God's viewpoint;
(2) The Physical Mind left it's position as object to the Spirit Mind;
(3) The Physical Mind reversed the dominion over the Spirit Mind;
(4) The Physical Mind multiplies evil, going against God's will constantly
Consequently, the four fallen natures originate from the physical mind. This is the reason why people do not need to study humanism to be humanistic. It comes automatically from ones fallen nature. Humanism, is only providing our Evil Nature with ideological excuse.
3. Humanism is Ideological expression of the Four Fallen Natures
Humanism, is in fact, the Ideological expression of the Four Fallen Natures. Physical Mind can never see from God's view point, no matter how much it tries - only Spiritual Mind can do that. Thus people led by their Physical Mind naturally go against God's will even when they want to follow it. Physical Mind left it's position as an object to the Spiritual Mind and reversed dominion over it, which is the root of the Second and Third Fallen Natures; Leaving ones position and reversing dominion.
Internal war expressed as a cultural war
Since the Fall, Physical Mind constantly suppressed the Spirit Mind desires and rejects them as evil by multiplying evil thoughts and philosophy instead. This fierce cultural war is external projection of this inner unresolved struggle. Humanism developed as the philosophical expression of the external reasoning of numerous philosophers. Yet, being centered on their physical minds they ended up excusing the fallen natures and their own fallen desires, instead of bringing a true solution.
We can easily understand why even believers (members) who are lead by their Physical Mind will end up to be Humanistic; put External values over the Internal ones; aggressively reject spirituality though believing in the Principle. We should understand that this is only natural consequence of being led by the Physical Mind. So members should quickly develop their Spiritual Mind. Only then God can work through us. When Physical Mind is subject, Divine Principle says that we are channel for Evil spiritual world, no matter of our good motivation and desires.
A real ideological battle is carried out today for the minds of the youth
Most people have not even heard about the existence of a "humanist manifesto, and yet, young people are brainwashed with the propaganda of secular Humanism. They literally quote the above 4 points which humanism is based on.
Humanists deny God and raise these materialistic, atheistic, immoral values of active promoters that the danger for the young today are interfaith, faith in God, faith in family, in true love, in moral values. They criticize other Christian denominations as sects threatening to deceive our children with moral values, while they themselves can without opposition pervert our children with immorality, individualism and free sex. They penetrate everywhere, even in our homes, in the schools, in the movies and the literature we read ...
We live in a really absurd society where good and evil are literally turned upside down.
Can we save our children from this godless, pervert ideology that is surrounding us from everywhere? I find in the Web statements such as: "Jehovah's Witnesses" is the most - dangerous sect in the world. Or, "It's interesting who will fight the most - dangerous sect - Orthodox. Sect, which is fully possessed by medieval thought and morality, and adheres to morals and principles."
This is the absurd - all the attention goes on the influence of dangerous cults. But how and to whom do they present danger? They endanger the immoral humanistic aims. Today, religions have little real impact in the lives of young people. They do not lead to immorality, in fact they teach us good moral values.
We Read meaningless threats of, "hordes of enemies - sects and Masons." At the same time, immorality is openly imposed everywhere. While "the devil turned believers to criticize each other," he undisturbed by anyone dominates our entire culture through secular Humanism and free sex.
Humanism, as rust, destroys families and corrodes us, our marriages and the morals of our children.
When will we open our eyes to reality? The most dangerous sect that actually destroys the foundations of faith is the sect of secular Humanism - relativism, which bombards us from everywhere and enters into our minds, our lives, our family and in the minds of our children.
This is a godless religion - a cult of selfishness, immorality and free sex. It works secretly and invisibly, like Satan himself, while quickly and permanently corrupting our minds and lives. Representatives of one of the most - dangerous sects in the world, humanism, are all around us.
Humanists literally control television, media, art, fashion, school ... massively brainwashing our children. We are not free. Our children go to schools encountering violence, drugs, anti-moral propaganda ... Humanism is the most dangerous religion of today. It is a sect - an ideology that undisturbed propagates to our children its immoral cause. And the world is still blind to its satanic and destructive influence. Continue to Part V: Physical Mind Control over the World
Divine Principle on Humanism:
"The ideologies of Renaissance humanism and the Enlightenment, as well as the call for religious freedom which arose from the Reformation, have created a profusion of philosophies and theologies, causing great confusion in the Christian faith and turmoil in people’s spiritual lives." DP p.263
"As people pursued the recovery of the internal and external aspects of their original nature, the thought of the age branched out into two movements to recover the heritage of the past, which we distinguish in relative terms as Abel-type and Cain-type. The Cain-type movement began as a revival of Hellenism, the culture and philosophy of ancient Greece and Rome. It gave rise to the Renaissance,7 whose core value was humanism." DP p.279
"From 2000 b.c., the Minoan civilization flourished on the island of Crete, succeeded by the Mycenaean civilization on the Greek mainland. By the eleventh century, these civilizations had created a Cain-type Hellenic civilization, whose guiding ideology was humanism. Around the same time in the Near East, the Abel-type Hebraic civilization was born, with Jewish monotheism as its guiding ideology."
"Only by Cain-type Hellenism submitting to Abel-type Hebraism could Satan be separated from the prevailing spirit of the age. Then the foundation of substance necessary for receiving Christ at the Second Advent could be established worldwide." DP 280
"Since these were in full accord with the desire of the original nature in medieval man... Renaissance humanism thus rose to prominence... it soon developed into a wider movement which transformed the medieval way of life. It expanded beyond the sphere of culture to encompass every aspect of society, including politics, economic life and religion. In fact, it became the external driving force for the construction of the modern world."
" the medieval papacy did not bear fruit due to the secularization and decadence of the Church leadership. Consequently, as the people advocated humanism, they also rebelled against the ritualism and rules of the Church which were constraining their free devotion. They fought against the stratified feudal system and papal authority which deprived them of autonomy... They also questioned the other-worldly and ascetic monastic ideal which devalued the natural world, science and the practical affairs of life.". DP 280
"The pursuit of the external aspects of the original nature first aroused a movement to revive the ancient heritage of Hellenism and gave birth to the humanism of the Renaissance. Renaissance humanism opposed medieval culture by elevating the dignity of human beings and the value of the natural world over devotion to God and religious dedication."
"The Renaissance launched these two currents of thought, which were rooted in humanism. Instead of facilitating the internal inclination to seek God, it gave birth to a view of life which encouraged people to follow only external pursuits. This blocked their path to God and led them toward Satan’s realm. For this reason, it is called the Cain-type view of life...
All matters in human life came to be judged by reason or empirical observation. Anything deemed irrational or other-worldly, including belief in the God of the Bible, was thoroughly discredited. People’s energies were narrowly directed toward the practical life." DP 283
The revival of Hellenism overthrew the medieval world and gave birth to the humanism of the Renaissance. As this movement developed further, moving in Satan’s direction, it gave birth to the Enlightenment, which... further matured in the satanic direction, giving birth to historical materialism, which is the core of communist ideology.
Since the satanic side mimics in advance the providence of God, we may expect that God’s providence calls for three stages of revolution to take place in each of the three spheres of religion, politics and economy." DP 290
The most dangerous religions sect today, brainwashing cult of Humanism
![]() | Humanism: Expression of the Four Fallen Natures |
Condoms increase the non-marital birth rate dramatically |
The European Renaissance and the Christian Reformation were inspired by the Original Mind. Both were beneficial and complementary towards building the modern world that could establish and receive the Second Coming. Just because something is in a "Cain position" does not necessarily mean it is satanic. In the providence of restoration, "Cain" performs a very important function. If "Cain" removes itself from its providential need to work with and cooperate with a good "Abel", it is not satanic or evil.
ReplyDeleteSome aspects of the Renaissance did cooperate and work with the Abel-type view of Life that emerged. The American and British Enlightenment for example did work with and sought a complementary relationship with the Christian-Hebraic strand.
Divine Principle on Humanism:
ReplyDelete"The ideologies of Renaissance humanism and the Enlightenment, as well as the call for religious freedom which arose from the Reformation, have created a profusion of philosophies and theologies, causing great confusion in the Christian faith and turmoil in people’s spiritual lives." DP p.263
"As people pursued the recovery of the internal and external aspects of their original nature, the thought of the age branched out into two movements to recover the heritage of the past, which we distinguish in relative terms as Abel-type and Cain-type. The Cain-type movement began as a revival of Hellenism, the culture and philosophy of ancient Greece and Rome. It gave rise to the Renaissance,7 whose core value was humanism." DP p.279
"From 2000 b.c., the Minoan
civilization flourished on the island of Crete, succeeded by the Mycenaean civilization
on the Greek mainland. By the eleventh century, these civilizations had created a
Cain-type Hellenic civilization, whose guiding ideology was humanism. Around the
same time in the Near East, the Abel-type Hebraic civilization was born, with Jewish
monotheism as its guiding ideology."
"Only by Cain-type Hellenism submitting to Abel-type Hebraism could Satan be separated from the prevailing spirit of the age. Then the foundation of substance necessary for
receiving Christ at the Second Advent could be established worldwide." DP 280
"Since these were in full accord with the desire of the original nature in medieval man... Renaissance humanism thus rose to prominence... it soon developed into a wider
movement which transformed the medieval way of life. It expanded beyond the sphere
of culture to encompass every aspect of society, including politics, economic life and
religion. In fact, it became the external driving force for the construction of the
modern world."
" the medieval papacy did not bear fruit due to the secularization and decadence of the Church leadership. Consequently, as the people advocated humanism, they also rebelled against the ritualism and rules of the Church which were constraining their free devotion. They fought against the stratified feudal system and papal authority which deprived them of autonomy... They also questioned the other-worldly and ascetic monastic ideal which devalued the natural world, science and the practical affairs of life.". DP 280
"The pursuit of the external aspects of the original nature first aroused a movement to
revive the ancient heritage of Hellenism and gave birth to the humanism of the
Renaissance. Renaissance humanism opposed medieval culture by elevating the
dignity of human beings and the value of the natural world over devotion to God and
religious dedication."
"The Renaissance launched these two currents of thought, which were rooted in humanism. Instead of facilitating the internal inclination to seek God, it gave birth to a view of life which encouraged people to follow only external pursuits. This blocked their path to God and led them toward Satan’s realm. For this reason, it is called the Cain-type view of life... All matters in human life came to be judged by reason or empirical observation. Anything deemed irrational or other-worldly, including belief in the God of the Bible, was thoroughly discredited. People’s energies were narrowly directed toward the practical life." DP 283
" the revival of Hellenism overthrew the
medieval world and gave birth to the humanism of the Renaissance. As this movement
developed further, moving in Satan’s direction, it gave birth to the Enlightenment,
which... further matured in the satanic direction, giving birth to historical materialism, which is the core of communist ideology.
Since the satanic side mimics in advance the providence of God, we may expect that
God’s providence calls for three stages of revolution to take place in each of the three
spheres of religion, politics and economy." DP 290