Animal Level of Emotions & Physical Mind Emotions

CAN Animals HAVE Emotions
By Ylian UTSUnification Psychology

There is difference between spiritual emotions and physical mind emotions. Well animals also have physical mind, but they don't have spiritual mind. Thus studying how emotions work in animals we get much insight into how emotions control our physical mind. READ THE SECOND HALF Spiritual Emotions and Chemical Emotions.

If you watch 'Dog's whisperer' you'll see animals adapt to the energy-resonance of their subject. If the owner is insecure, they sense that and may act aggressively. If the owner is confident, and takes control, they feel, calm down and obey. Meaning, resonance and instincts control them. That's the physical mind sensitivity to the energy one caries. Unification Family Therapy has extensive studies on how the physical mind works. 

How that compares to man? 

Humanists are on that level (dominated by physical mind) That's why humanists are dominated by emotions (resonance); they are on this Formation Stage - dominated by the physical mind. Before seeing that spiritually I always wondered why humanists do that? Why they seem like the most heartistic and nice people, but suddenly they are so evil against faith, against vertical moral values, against the more spiritual people.

Cesar Millan: "It's very important to understand the instinctual part of it; Animals follow certain energy. So when I come to people's home, that's what I project - a certain energy. That's what dogs respond to: The energy that I bring into the environment."

You see in Dog's Whisperer that humanism brings very bad results with dogs; contrary opposite of what the owners expect. Why? Humanism reverses dominion; they put the dog (subject) while they stand in (object) position. Dog's simply feel that energy. So everything goes wrong. Same is with children; their physical mind simply reacts to the energy you have as a parent. Humanistic parents put their children (subject). You know what happens. Reversal of dominion allows evil spirit world to work. It's automatic - you reverse the principle it happens. No escape! It's the same like dogs being set a subject; they become nervous - no peace (unnatural position).

You see how physical mind constantly goes against the spirit mind... you'll understand all this humanistic philosophies.. They are physical mind philosophies; nothing else but the Four Fallen Natures. That's unavoidable. So even the best humanist is always instrument of evil spirits from the middle spirit world. Very difficult for God and the good spirit world to work with such people, even if they know the principle; even if they joined our movement. 

See it spiritually and you'll understand, why they waver; why they often doubt. On leaders meetings they object any suggestion for action, immediately jumping with why will not work. Why? They are in the low resonance; dominated by fear, doubts... this leads to confused, dysfunctional meetings. 

Once they interject with this resonance, this opens the way for spirits from that low level invade the whole meeting. They will quickly confuse the sense of right and wrong. That's because they bring resonance from hell.

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