Chakra (Glands - Energy Centers) vibrating with different frequency


Chi and Meridians have wave nature. They are areas - fields, not points. Residing outside of space time and providing vital blueprint for our physical organs. The main energy centers are around the glands in our body. We call them Chakras.

Chakra (Glands-Energy Centers) 

Chakra, means energy vortex. There are around 88,000 chakras in the body but there are 7 major chakras. They draw in and give out CHI energy (Prana, Quantum level energy). Chakras act as gateways of consciousness; when activated each one will give you new awareness and raise your level of consciousness. 

Each organ has it's own frequency vibration; with different emotions associated with it. Each vibration corresponds to different color. We send vibrations in our environment. For example, we can send vibrations of fear or love, and that will affect other's differently and how they view us.

Solar storms temporarily disturb the Earth’s magnetosphere, as solar winds and flares interact with Earth’s electromagnetic fields. Humans are also affected because we each have a personal electromagnetic field that surrounds us—an aura.

Each Energy Center (Gland - Chakra) is also vibrating with different frequency. The Heart Chakra is green and it vibrates with 528 THz, which is right in the middle of the scale. The Root Chakra, which is 396 is the connection to the Earth (3960 miles) The other chakras also line up with different colors.

Research has found that geomagnetic storms can have a huge effect on our emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical health.

We will be treating the organs as each one having it's own unique frequency vibration, and within that vibration we have different emotion associated with it. So within that process, if something isn't working in terms of relationships, career, finances, there is often times an emotion associated with that, that is activated. That emotion is unique to particular organ.

The frequency of our emotions may extend meters around the body. Every change in the person's emotions will radiate out through the chakras. The negative emotions, such as fear and anger, will create dark clouds in the emotional aura. That's why Dr. Lee wrote that evil spirits are wrapped by it like in a dark cloth. Strong positive emotions, such as love and happiness, will cause a brighter, more fuller glow in the emotional aura.

The emotional body can also store unresolved emotions and fears that the person may have. And due to the law of attraction these unresolved feelings will attract situations and experiences that mirror exactly what we are feeling within. So a person's reality is a manifestation of what is within the person. He had that bad experience with it, but was unable to let go and move forwards, instead he holds unto these feelings, which creates anxiety and fear of that situation occurring again. Such emotional issues may manifest in the physical body as physical illness.

What takes place in the physical body is a symptom of what's happening on emotional and spiritual level. So the illness a person has is really just negative energies connected to his body on quantum level (Etheric body) that have no where else to go. Even incidents may be expression of past unresolved problems of one's ancestors; just a signal of their situation or repetition of something that has to be resolved. 

Each Chakra has to be balanced, for the others to work fine. The child chakras take more energy, rather then giving. With maturation we start giving more, rather then taking. Mentally deprived people will be with vary small opening of their chakras (1-2 inches), while spiritually developed person will have them wide oppen, sometimes expanding meters from the body. Chakras regulate the flow of vital living energy (prana) through the body. Prana is contained in everything you eat, even in the air you breath.

Harmonization of Chakras is vary important. For example; Throat Chakra is related to the higher creativity, thoughts, ideal.. It shows how we express our innermost feelings, without fear, not hiding their true feelings and emotions. Thus, he will be vary honest with himself, revealing his own strengths and weaknesses. The harmony of the throat chakra depends on your ability of self expression and listen; sense and speak the truth. To calm down to listen even to your inner voice. But they will stand even alone for the truth, since they are liberated from self doubt. They will share their knowledge and wisdom with others freely, without fear of how they will react.

If you see people with disharmonious chakra, don't accept that as their nature. Their true nature will express only when their chakra becomes harmonious. 

People with DISHARMONIOUS  Throat Chakra don't know how to shut up, expressing themselves way too much. They have difficulty expressing their true and deeper feeling, they often conceal their true emotions, in order to protect themselves from realizing their own insecurities. They don't have real confidence in themselves and sometimes convey a false confidence. Unable to communicate their own feelings they often communicate the feelings of others - of people who gossip. Therefore, they don't gossip because they are bad people, but because their chakra is disharmonious. At the same time, they are generally laud and talk too much. They don't know what it means to be quiet. So they are not good listeners; thus also unable to listen to their own spirit. So what happens is that when they receive an emotion they are quick to express it rather then being silent it. For example when they are angry or sad they are quick to vocalize it, rather then going inside themselves and try to understand the root cause. With other words, this type of people are vary explosive. When they get emotional it's not pleasant to be around; as they don't listen to you and are constantly talking. Because of this they loose all forms of logic and reason. So they after lash out on you and take their emotions out on you, even though you are trying to help them. They think they know themselves, but they are actually expressing false characteristics, that don't represent their true personality. Often they are smooth in talking, but using it to deceive and manipulate people.

People with closed or blocked Throat Chakra are unable to express themselves. They keep all their feelings and emotions. The fear of rejection or public opinion hinders them, and makes them hold back their true feelings. These people are vary shy, quiet and withdrawn. They only speak when spoken to and conversations are vary short. Their voice lacks intensity, often seeming forced. They may use other means of expression in art, music, poetry etc.

Here is how these numbers are formed: Thus it is easy to remember.

Underneath are some of the connections between these numbers and different levels of development, different chakra's development and character of the person, thus relating also to the different Zodiacs.

Here you see how the Heart (528) is in the middle, uniting both the spiritual and the physical.

Swedenborg and Rev. Sun Myung Moon: Spirals of the Spirit

By Yulian UTS /  Unification Family Therapy

It's amazing how Swedenborg's and Rev. Sun Myung Moon's theories support each other. This is an amazing video, describing how Spirals appear in various ways throughout the universe: plants, galaxies, DNA, and hurricanes. The spiritual teacher, Emanuel Swedenborg, explained that spirals occur just as frequently in the spiritual world, even in the way we grow spiritually.

Spirit Mind and Earthly Mind

Swedenborg talked of the Spiritual Mind and the Earthly Mind, spiraling in opposition, up and down. The Divine Principle also explains that human mind is a product of the give and take between the Spiritual Mind and the Physical Mind. Their unity is centered on God when the Spirit Mind is subject over the Physical Mind.
"The give and take action between the spirit mind and the physical mind produces.. the human mind, which directs the individual toward.. the purpose of creation. Man became ignorant of God because of the fall. Thus, he became ignorant of the absolute standard of goodness. But, according to the original nature of creation, the human mind always directs man toward what it thinks is good. This directing power is called human conscience." Principle of Creation
Our Mind Connected to Heaven or Hell

As Rev. Moon's Principle explains, the history develops in spiral (similar situations are repeating on different scale, for the purpose of restoration). Swedenborg also explains, that in the spiritual world and in our interior lives, almost everything is a fractal of spirals growing on spirals. According to Swedenborg, each of us forms our own small world, with heaven and hell inside us. The Divine Principle also describes this internal conflict:
"When the spirit mind and the physical mind which are under the bondage of Satan become one unit through the action of give and take, man's development in the direction of evil is accelerated. We call this unit the "evil mind". The original mind and conscience of man repel this evil mind and direct man toward goodness by helping him to separate himself from Satan and to face God."
Our Good Original Mind

In short, when our spirit mind is subject, the Original Mind is active, but when our Pyisical mind is subject, that's the Evil Mind. Swedenborg also describes the difference of when we follow the spiritual mind or our earthly mind:
"The earthly mind, with everything in it, turns in spirals from right to left, while the spiritual mind turns in spirals from left to right. So the two minds are turning in opposite directions—a sign that evil is resident in the earthly mind and that on its own, it resists the spiritual mind. Further, turning from right to left is turning downward, toward hell, and turning from left to right moves upward, toward heaven. (Divine Love and Wisdom §270)
At the extremes, the emotions drive us, whether to love of self or love of God. Those emotions shape our thoughts, and our thoughts shape our actions. But in the intermediate zone where we’re choosing which action to take, the right path isn’t always clear.

Swedenborg describes the effect on spirits as so dramatic that it even affects the way they move: "I have been shown.. that evil spirits cannot turn their bodies from left to right, only from right to left, while good spirits find it hard to turn from right to left and easy to turn from left to right. Their turning follows the flow of the deeper levels of their minds. (Divine Love and Wisdom §270)

Locked in a Particular Way of Thinking

You can think of this as a description of a state of mind: the evil spirits are so locked into a particular way of thinking that they can’t change their direction even if they want to. As Unificationists we know that evil people act under the command of their physical mind spiral, which always reverses subject and object; left over right, down over up, external over internal, horizontal over vertical, material over spiritual. Thus, even when they think they are doing good, they always end up with evil results.

A good person is the one who brings unity to those opposites, centered on God. As Franchezzo explains from the spirit world, "those spirits who are most highly advanced are those who are nearest to the central force, to the dazzling light of these starlike centers."  WSL p.97

The two opposing spirals in our mind—one up toward heaven and social good, and the other toward hell and selfishness—are powered by the things we love.
In good people, the spirals face forward [toward the Lord] and in evil people they face backward [away from the Lord]. When they spiral forward they are turned toward the Lord and are open to the inflow from him. When they spiral backward they are turned toward hell and are open to its inflow. It is important to realize that to the extent that they are turned backward they are open behind and closed in front [front being toward the Lord], and that conversely, to the extent that they are turned forward they are open in front [toward the Lord] and closed behind [toward hell]. (Divine Providence §319)
Love Determines our Orientation

Swedenborg talks about our “loves” as the things we spend our lives doing and thinking about. Thus our love determines the orientation of our spiritual spiral.
After death we all follow the path of our love—to heaven if we have loved what is good and to hell if we have loved what is evil. We find no rest until we arrive in the community where our own dominant love is; and strange as it may sound, we all know the way. It is as though we were following a scent. (Divine Providence§319)
Thus, evil is good turned upside-down, it's the destruction of order. But God uses everything to bring people back. In this image you see how Swedenborg sees the state when all our being is tuned to God's love.

Rev. Moon was teaching us how to unite both; As we grow spiritually through living for the sake of others our Spirit becomes a Subject and they both unite centered on God, thus forming a perfect Four Position Foundation; a perfect channel for God's love, beauty and goodness.

"The relationship between the spirit man and the physical man is like that between fruit and tree. When the physical mind responds to desires of the spirit mind, the physical man acts in accordance with the purpose of the spirit mind. Then the physical man receives the living spirit element from the spirit man. This brings good feelings and energy to the spirit man. Accordingly, the physical man, when it returns a wholesome vitality element to the spirit man, influence it to grow normally, in the direction of goodness." Principle of Creation
Perfect the Four Realms of Love

Next, Rev. Moon teaches, as a Husband and Wife we have to perfect the Four Realms of Love; Children's Love, Siblings Love, Conjugal Love, Parental Love. Only then we achieve complete perfection and are able to understand God's parental, unconditional love.
"The truth teaches us what it is that our spirit mind desires. When man comes to understand, through the truth, what our spirit mind desires, and why by putting it into practice he accomplishes his portion of responsibility." Principle of Creation

Energy Healing: The Language of your Body

Energy Healing:
The Language of your Body

Conventional medicine works with the bio-chemistry of the cells, the tissues and the organs. Energy medicine works with the energy fields that control the growth and repair of the cells, the tissues and the organs.

Energy is the language that your body speaks. Every time you meet someone there is an exchange of energy. Your emotions and your psychological issues end up becoming your physical body issues. Conflicts and bad relationships accumulate stressful, destructive energy which may result in physical problems. Your biography is the reason why your shoulders hurts, your neck hurts, you get arthritis, diabetes etc.

Whatever disease you have, we know what energy center (gland) was injured. There is a map, showing every inch of the body, to what emotions it is connected (Bodily Maps of Emotions). If you're able to shift the energy fields that are impaired for whatever reason then you're able to much more quickly and non-invasively shift what's happening at the body level of the cells, the tissues and the organs.

People get healed with energy healing from asthma, allergies, colds, cancer... The body always knows how to heal itself. The only thing you need is energy. In few weeks people heal problems that they were suffering with for years.

Every organ, every cell in your body  is made up of energy. Energy is the life force with intelligence. It runs through your body and knows what to do. If you interact with the energy before it becomes a disease it will not even become a disease. Because everything starts on emotional level. You cannot separate the emotional from the body.

There are many energetic levels in your body reflecting your emotional states; the meridians, the chakra energy centers, the aura etc.  Fear is processed through the kidneys. Anger and being hard on yourself is processed through the liver. The heart chakra reflects the interpersonal relations of love; in the family and with the outside world. When people are connected to this energy, it's like their North Star that leads them; they sense the signals of their subconscious inner self. But people can really get vary disconnected and off centered. See, AURA: THE VIBRATIONS OF HEALING
Learn some Powerful Yet Simple Energy Techniques To Tap Into Your Spiritual Body so You Can Easily Fine Tune Your Physical World For More Health, Wealth, Love, Inner Peace and Clarity.

Physical body is also manifestation of energy. But the vibrational body around, creating magnetism in a recognizable and continuous pattern, expressing the individual conscienceless. We know that if the soul leaves the body, the body will decay in few days. In fact, our energy extends and connects with the universe around us.

Scientific experiments proved that our emotions affect our DNA, and our DNA affects our physical world. In the presence of negative emotions, the DNA tightened. In the presence of positive emotions, the coils of the DNA relaxed. But also scientists observed the effect of DNA on our physical world. When human DNA was inserted into vacuum, the light photons stopped their random movement and precisely followed the geometry of the DNA. Therefore, our emotions physically change the world around us.

Shortly after World War II CIA's polygraph unit discovered that plants can read our thoughts. They found evidence of them experiencing pain, fear, and even ESP. There was reaction when the plant was threatened with harm. The plant was reading his mind and was reacting to his intent to burn it. The readings went off the chart when Backster imagined burning the leaf. It could tell the difference between pretending you are going to hurt it, compared to when you actually intend to do it. the results were reproduced many times, and expanded including eggs, yogurt, and even sperm. Results confirmed the idea that all living things are sentient. Numerous other studies have shown that certain types of music and enthusiastic speech also help plants thrive.


Sounds and magnetism play big role in nature in structuring every shape around us. Light is also a sound, because every light frequency has a sound frequency attached to it. Iris is a torus lens focusing light and frequency at the cones in the retina. So we ourselves are advanced technology.

Everything is affected by magnetism, which we learn now, is created by sound and resonance. Sound creates magnetic fields, while moving magnetic fields create electricity. Gravity is only a consequence of sound and magnetism. Even the electron is simply coherent resonance in a toroidal field.

As God's children we are co-creators, creating a new reality. You should understand how powerful your thoughts are, how powerful is every word you think, speak and write, every message you send. All this positive stuff; the positive thinking, the positive talking, the positive actions, generate a new reality for humanity that should bring prosperity and abundance. The more people think of, speak of and imagine the new world of love, the quicker we are going to create it.

In this video you can see different simple techniques of healing yourself and your family with the energy of your hands. Please remember, everyone can heal. If you have healthy life, do some exercises and have many of your ancestors liberated.. all that will additionally help you to have stronger healing power.

Experience God: Our Five Senses are Vibrational

Our Five Senses are Vibrational

The difference between our 5 physical and 5 spiritual senses is in the range of vibrations they can perceive 

Here is my spiritual experience with Father and how science helps make our spiritual essence understandable. I hope that will help you live in love and above, spreading the Culture of Heart in your surrounding.

"God.. rules over all our senses.. (we) feel His existence with our cells." Sun Myung Moon, CSG p.54

We experience the world through our five senses. The eyes sense the rainbow spectrum (sense of sight - wavelengths from about 390 to 700 nm). In terms of frequency, this corresponds to 430–770 THz. We have the range of hearing (20 to 20,000 Hz). Touch, taste and smell - they all have a vibrational range of perception. Anything that is above or bellow this range, our physical mind does not consider to be data.

But what if we ascend beyond, to the five spiritual senses? We live in vibrational universe of love and the heart is the core of our essence as children of God.
"The air in the spirit world is love. Love is the essence of life. In that world, you do not just breathe through your nostrils but also through the top of your head and through all your cells."  Rev. Moon; CSG p.409
Every person has certain vibrational energy around himself (Aura). This energy reflects the combined informational field of all your cells (connected to your ancestors), Father explained. Violet is on the bottom, Red is on the top of the Rainbow. But if we look around the sun; Violet is inside,  red is outside.

"Due to the fall.. People cannot even recognize God's true love, much less vibrate with it. The whole purpose of salvation is to restore that ability."
The highest vibrations are actually inside of us - in the core. The lower vibrations are outside. This is teaching us, that the spiritual is in the core of the physical reality and the physical is only it's external expression. So they are not really separated. We ascend by going inside to the core of our heart and speed up to higher vibrations (faster then where the physical world vibrates). At that level everything is love.
"True love lets us feel even the energy by which our cells multiply. The world filled with God's love is like that.. it is a world of enchantment where al our cells are dancing and we feel as if we are flying on the couds on a bright spring day." Sun Myung Moon, CSG p.263
What I have experienced is, that in this state the light is coming out of my center. The eternal, spiritual heart pulsates with constant vibes of vibrations coming out. When we think, in words or images, it vibrates and this goes through our structure and out into the world. When it reaches a sufficient amplitude to create the world around you, creating patterns of every emotion, every thought you have.
"Only when a person reaches perfection and is totally immersed in the love of God while on earth can he fully delight in the love of God as a spirit after his death." DP Creation p.49

Fear and love are just interpretation of the vibration, but everything is love in it's essence. When you become comfortable in these greater levels of energy, you can project your consciences out of your body and into the external world, which begins to respond to you. You begin to become an owner of the creation.

Having the connection to this core, we can actually make weather change in that state; change temperature, move clouds. We have a magnetic presence out here and in the external world. It's not just believe, it's energy that have impact on the physical world when you fuse your energy with your heart. As Rev. Moon says:
"Make yourself a tuning fork, resonating with and vibrating along God’s frequency. Resonate with God’s unselfishness."  Rev. Moon On Spiritual Help
Science already understands the heart is 10 thousand times stronger magnetically then your brain. The source is there. Our connection with God starts from there. In relation to this let me tell you one of my spiritual experiences with Father and how he was teaching me to connect to God.


It was during the morning prayer. I felt tired and decided to lean my head comfortably, but concentrate on praying even stronger. Suddenly I realized that my body fell asleep but I was in a straight posture above it, still praying.

The next moment I realized that someone was sitting right in front of me. I lifted my head and saw Father in lotus position, just a meter in front. It was absolutely real. He was in a brown jacket, similar to the one he had at his visit in Russia.

I had no time to be further curious of external details since my attention was drawn to his words. The first thought came, "Why is he talking as if he is the sinful person like me." But then my whole being just started following the experience effected from his words. I could see and experience what he was saying, the very way he is experiencing it.

Father was explaining how from my low sinful state I can open my conscience, at the center of my heart and connect with God. It was overwhelming. It seemed so beautiful and natural. It felt like the most natural state. Like if I was always like that. There was some innate connection straight to God's heart and my inner self could naturally communicate with him, while my physical mind was only a silent listener.

Bum.. and the experience was over. I wake up, still feeling the overwhelming sensations, yet realizing that I cannot even explain physically what did Father just teach me. Back in my physical body, it didn't feel natural. My mind couldn't even make sense or find words for it.

I remember in this day I had difficult area in FR. But I said, "Father I will keep praying, non stop, until I open this channel to with You." It was after an hour of steady, mentally painful and exhausting efforts, that the shift happened. I was in front of the door with some clients, when my heart opened and I began crying. It was like the prayer was no longer coming out of my brain, but out of my inner self - directly from my heart. I was just listening and could not stop the tears in my eyes. It was so fascinating, so beautiful.

Took years of more experiences, while I rationally realized the difference between my physical mind and my spiritual inner mind, connected to God. These were years of struggling to find means to calm down my brain and allow my spirit to lead me; a state when every answer comes right way; a state when things happen with ease, like a magic and every prayer moves the physical world and brings actual results.

Concerning the ability to change weather, I also agree. But for me it was mostly through communication with my Heavenly Father. I remember the first time when that happened, just before me joining the Unification Movement. More recently I was demonstrating to STF, how even in the winter there will be always sunshine around our team. I always felt this is because of God's love for me. So I always said, "God, I don't see any reason to be loved. I don't even love myself. Why do you keep doing these things for me?" But such things happened always when I had a sincere, heartistic discussion with Him. I could not but quickly realize, God is not only listening very carefully, but he can move the universe to show me he does.

Yes, it is an actual parent-child relationship, just as Rev. Moon explains it. And there is no higher evidence for the victory of the True Parents, then the way they are helping us to restore ourselves and leading us to build the World of Love and Peace.
"The new era is beginning in which the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven is substantially spreading out before your very eyes, and when there is no longer the need to distinguish between the True Parents who work as the embodiment of God and the incorporeal God Himself." Rev. Sun Myung Moon, 1.6.2009

Aura: The Vibrations of Healing

The Vibrations of the Surrounding Matter 

Why we need to project love, joy, peace and happiness even towards those who harm us. Studies on frequency answer that in the most certain and visible way.

Energy is all around us, it is us, it is constantly moving and changing. Everything emits energy. It has been referred to as Prana, Chi, Ka, among other names by various religions. An aura is a vibration of the energy field surrounding matter, living and non-living. 

Thoughts can produce sickness or heal you. Why? Thinking is a give and take action that produces energy on quantum level. Each thought has a vibrational frequency. You can compare that to vitality elements, if good they nurture your spirit, if bad, they poison your spirit. 

In Ayurvedic medicine, energy is referred to as prana, and flows through energy systems described as nadis and chakras. In Oriental medicine it is referred to as ch’i and the energy system is mapped out as meridians. In Homeopathy, it is referred to as vital force energy. There are many other natural healing modalities that refer to this type of healing energy, frequency or vibration, and regardless of what they choose to call it .

Aura Can be Photographed

With today's technology your aura can be photographed. It includes information about how you communicate, your truthfulness, your emotions, the use of your mind, your sexiness, and how you deal with power. It shows your problems, chronic complaints, and deep gifts of the soul. It's a huge reservoir of information that anyone can access. Aura reading means accessing that information.  It can be photographed by scanning the vibrations.
"Science is now highly advanced. I asked them to do research on the frequency that enables contact with the spirit world. The motions in the spirit world are all made up of vibrations.. by discovering the frequency of vibrations used by spiritualists when they contact the spirit world... if we delve into this area, a world of new dimensions will be found. When we enter the age where the unknown spirit world can be rationally understood, humankind would believe in God even if they were told not to." (Father, 1985.7.20)
These vibrations consist of electromagnetic radiation, extending from microwave to infrared and UV light. Low frequency microwave and infrared parts of the spectrum, or body heat seem to relate to the lower levels of our bodily functions (circulation, DNA structure, metabolism) and the high frequency (UV part) relates to our conscious activity (emotions, thinking, creativity, intentions).

The Frequency of our Emotional State

How does energy affects your emotional well-being? All our thoughts are emotions; basically frequency and energy. When you love someone, your heart chakra expands. But when the person is angry, it is small, closed; the energy is not flowing. When the adrenaline energy goes down in the stomach; that becomes fear, anxiety, fear, doubts, insecurity. 

All these negative emotions that you can think about. Eventually, that would bring emotional and physical problems, because the energy is running a wrong way. It's going down instead of raising up into the heart. While in fact you should learn to send this energy up, to higher resonance and this way you can heal all fear, all anxiety. Thus controlling the flow of the energy in your body you can even heal deceases.  

Auras are electro-magnetic energy that contains loads of information about what is going on with people, animals, plants, and so forth. It's also around the non-living objects (crystals, stones, fire, water, even air) but these are fundamentally fixed. They don't change unless altered by conscious human intent. 

There are already number of machines reading the energy vibration field surrounding matter. They give you information that can offer solutions to heal, restore, and strengthen their energy field. There are also different layers of the body that will show emotional or etheric auras. Emotional layers tend to show up quickly and change rapidly, just like human emotions.

Having lower vibration emotions such as fear, envy, hatred, jealousy, and other similar emotions will also lessen the aura field. Thus, reading auras can also help heal, at times even diagnose problems or sickness in the body long before physical symptoms have even appeared. By controlling your own aura you can also heal yourself. 

As many others today, I can sense and read that energy around a person. Here is an example of healing:
"I tried reading the energy of a person with years of back pain. What I found was an accumulation of mixed emotional energies that had been trapped in his back since he was 18. I visualized myself pulling this energy out of his back, and sent him home. Few days later I learned, the person was completely healed." 
Information about frequency helps gaining awareness about nature, spiritual enlightenment, and development as well as higher vibration consciousness, raising our frequencies to that of spirituality, love, trust, compassion, honesty, integrity, and the capacity of being non-judgmental.

Energy healing is all about removing the blockages in that energy, by increasing or decreasing the energy in the areas of ones aura and thus correcting the flow to the healthy state.

Auras surround the entire body. Most people have one or two dominating Aura colors (see auric pairs). Colors often appear in bursts or clusters together which can help determine what issues they relate to. These colors correspond to different resonance, from lower (red) to higher (violet), same like in the rainbow. Naturally our energy expands and senses the energy of the people we relate to. Without being aware that determines the type of friends we choose. To see how these energy levels correspond to the resonance of our heart, look at this chart of growth

Colors and what they symbolize
  • Brown: unsettling, distracting, materialistic, negating spirituality. Grounding, stable, materialistic, hardworking.
  • Gray: Depression, unclear intentions, addiction, malevolence. Depression, boredom, vague, unsure, possible intoxication or addiction, ambivalence.
  • Sulfur (a brownish yellow color): anger, physical pain or lack of contentment.
  • White: disease, intoxication (substance abuse), lack of harmony or balance with the mind or body. It has been said that before death, the Aura becomes white. On the positive side-purity, hope, peace, growth, protection, balance, transition, health.
  • Purple/Indigo/Violet: indicates spirituality. Royalty, high frequency, connection, source, humility, nobility. Purple is one of the few colors to naturally appear in nature. It appears sometimes in those that are highly spiritual/religious, but also indicates growth on a soul level. It is a very protective color.
  • Blue: Balance, sustained life, relaxed nervous system, transmitting force and energy. Balance of thought and mind, also survival. Electric blue can override any color in the Aura. Relaxed, open, peaceful, tranquil, absorbing.
  • Turquoise: indicates dynamic quality of being, high energy, capable of projecting emotions and influencing others. It also suggests organization and boredom when forced to concentrate on one thing. Turquoise also seems to be a rare color to appear in the aura. Some state that this color has ancient roots, and indicates and "old soul".
  • Green: restful, peaceful, reshaping energy, natural healing ability. Strong green points suggest a gift toward natural healing. The stronger the green, the better the healer. Healing, peace, love for and connection with nature, comfort. Green can also mean-jealousy, and indicate financial concerns or issues.
  • Yellow: Inner joy, freedom, contentment, non-attachment. People with yellow points are full of joy, generous and not easily attached to things. A yellow halo is thought to be a sign or signature of a spiritual teacher. Buddha and Christ had yellow halos which has been depicted in many works of art. Happiness, joy, playfulness, intelligence, sharp and studious mind, discipline, security, protection. enlightenment, divine energy.
  • Orange: Creativity, uplifting, controlling, absorbing, Inspiring. Orange Aura is a sign of power, and the ability or desire to control. Like red, orange is also very dense, points toward sensuality, sexuality, freedom loving, free spirit, sometimes scattered energy, a bird that cannot be caged.
  • Red: Regards the physical body and materialistic thoughts. Love, passion, physical strength, endurance. It can also indicate, pain/injury to a specific part of the body, rage, anger, hostility and conflict.
  • Pink Balance between the physical materialistic and spiritual awareness. Pink is very innocent and loving. When you see pink in an aura, this color corresponds to a very loving and unselfish person. Could also mean that they are "in love".

Healing our Energy Field with our Hands

We can sense the difference in the sensations in our hands while moving around the body of another person. This is scanning. With movements we can alter and correct the energy field where needed. Disturbed areas will be healed even faster if we project loving energy from our hearts. If few people project heart energy simultaneously the effect would be even stronger. That's used in Christian churches, when members lay hands over a sick person and pray for healing.


Have you ever walked into your parent's bedroom after they had a fight? They may have put on a smile and acted like everything was okay for your benefit, but you could sense the tension in the room. Maybe the air was thick or your father was emitting a weird "vibe". Speaking of vibes, how many times have you left a party or declined an invitation because the vibe wasn't right? We have all probably used this term without even realizing the weight behind our words.
When you pick up on a bad vibe, you really are sensing the vibrational energy of the human environment, or aura. If you spend your time around a group of really depressed individuals, you will eventually start feeling down in the dumps yourself. Likewise, if you hang out with upbeat, positive, outgoing friends, your own attitude will change to match theirs. Atmospheres are contagious. If you were able to see aura colors, you'd notice that the depressed group would be surrounded by rings of brown, whereas the happier group would radiate with shades of yellow.

Seeing Auras

  1. Turn off the lights and lie in bed or another area where you feel most relaxed. You don't want the room to be pitch-black, but you do want as little light as possible. In most cases, streetlights filtering in through the blinds or a nightlight shining in through a crack in the door should be sufficient.
  2. Hold your hands straight out in front of you. Don't stare hard, just gaze gently. An aura is not always a bright light, usually it is more of a haze.
  3. To understand the way you should be gazing, keep holding both hands in your line of sight, then focus your gaze on the bedroom wall in front of you. Your hands will be out of focus but still visible.
  4. Extend your two pointer fingers and very slowly move your hands towards each other so your fingertips are almost touching (think Michelangelo's famous painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.) The aura will appear as lines of blue and red light between the two barely touching fingertips. Then, try it again with all ten fingertips barely touching.
  5. Now slowly draw your hands apart, and you'll see slight streams of energy connecting each finger. Encourage your mind to visualize the energy increasing as you move your fingertips together and apart, back and forth. Bringing the fingers tantailizingly close together (but not quite touching) seems to increase and energize the auric flow.
Practice this technique whenever you can and you may discover, over time, that you are beginning to notice the same effects around people's heads. Although auras surround the entire body, they are brightest and most visible around the head. If you are fortunate to begin seeing full body auras, there are certain things you must know about the different colors. Aura colors are constantly changing depending on mood and location, but the band of color closest to the body is known as a Life Color, and is usually fixed. Here is a rough guideline of what the different aura colors indicate.

Auric Colors


Red is the color of stress or anger. There is a reason why the phrase, "seeing red" is use when one is experiencing an extreme state of emotion. When tempers flare, even the calmest aura color will suffer from a flash of red, and if someonehas a red overlay, or hue, around them at all times, this can mean their interactions are often colored by anger or intensity. Red is a physical color typically found in businessmen, politicians and other highly ambitious people who have the focus and determination to accomplish any goals they set. A concentration of red light in an individual who does not otherwise exhibit that color usually indicates an ailment, usually around the throat or ears. Pink, on the other hand, is associated with sensitive, caring feelings, and is usually seen around women during pregnancy.


Orange is a healing and cleansing color, created when the vitality of red mixes with the optimism of yellow. Also a physical color, orange is associated with recovery from illness or trauma and can indicate both physical or mental vitality. Orange around the head means the person is tolerant and open-minded. Orange is also frequently seen in auras when the individual is coming upon a time of change, be it a new home or a new relationship. Orange appears when the past breaks open to forge new paths. Balls of orange light around the head mean that the person's mind is set on changing their life but may not be quite ready to do so; small flecks of orange and the changes have just recently begun. Pastel orange indicates new aspirations of a spiritual kind. This color is usually found in people who are seeking but have not yet found their new destiny. Because orange is the color of change, this color is often found in counsellors, social workers, and any other occupation that seeks to help people change for the better.


Yellow is the color of energy and expression, optimism and cheerfullness. If the color yellow appears in pin-like streaks, however, it could mean that the person is experiencing a split in their personality, and struggling to merge their energetic, youthful demeanor with the grown-up demands of society. Their mind is torn between too many options, which tends to cause stress among people with this color in their aura.


Green is the color of nature, of rebirth and renewal. Many doctors and healers have this color in their aura. Greens are straightforward and loyal, and truly want the best for everyone. Bright green means that person likes to help, whereas a sickly lemon color can indicate deceit or, more likely, envy. Rich emerald green indicates strength of character. In fact, any healthy shade of green is a positive sign; only dark black greens are negative, indiciating an untrustworthy personality. Green is linked with blood pressure and the heart--as long as the torso emits a bright green light, the person is healthy.


Blue is an emotional color found in highly sensitive, spiritual individuals. Blues bring peace and calm to those around them, and exhibit a love of freedom and desire to reach new spiritual heights. Mediums who are able to hear spirit voices usually have bright blues in their aura, along with writers. An aura filled with bright blue means the person is very healthy and at peace. Visualizing ocean blue has a calming effect on the nerves and can even stabilize fever.


Also emotional colors, violets and indigos are spiritually advanced individuals and activists. These people are also highly sensitive, usually able to see auras themselves. The darker the shade, the deeper the person's spiritual quest. These individuals recognize the importance of bodily purity and communication with the unconscious. Tapping into these colors within yourself may help you to expand your horizons. When violet mixes with white to create lavender, the person is incredibly advanced and has reached the pinnacle of understanding.

Auras are the energy that your body gives out in relation to your personality, mood and even your health. When a person has the ability to see auras, they can look at a person and see color, much like a glow, around the person.
If you can sense a person’s inner personality and your mind still associates this with colors, you're still seeing auras.

The Brightest of the Aura Colors: Yellow

The Yellow Aura Personality:

  • Yellow is bright and cheerful, the brightest color on the aura color spectrum. Bright yellow exudes happiness and positive outlook on life. Nothing gets you down for long. You have an uncanny strength and ability to bounce back after trauma or setbacks.
  • You are wise because you have experienced much and because of your heightened psychic awareness.
  • You are intelligent and creative, and you're drawn to arts of all kinds. Almost anything creative will get your mind racing -- you'll be wondering how you can do the same thing, but with your own creative twist.
  • You love to learn. You may find yourself trying to take things apart, just so you can see what makes them work. You may question people’s actions, not because you are bothered by them, but because you just want to know why they do what they do.
  • You are fun-loving and want to be happy. You try to make others around you happy by offering quick smiles and a helping hand. Because you are kind and generous, you can't understand people who like to complain or make others unhappy.
  • A yellow aura person connects easily with nature, and feels particularly drawn to protecting it. You may feel the need to start a community garden or nurture your own garden, with plenty to share with others. You may feel constricted by living in tight quarters and prefer to live in the country or at least near a lot of trees.
  • You take care of others before yourself, as it's in your second nature to be a healer. Others may call you “mom” because you naturally mother and care for everyone and everything. You want the world to be a happy place.
  • Yellows need to be happy and won't thrive in a job where they can’t be expressive and creative. Although yellows are outgoing and may want to be the center of attention, there are yellows that prefer to work from home, to avoid people because of the negativity that they feel from others.

Yellow Auras Want Everyone to be Happy

Health of the Yellow Aura

  • A person with a yellow aura may have more energy than they know what to do with. As a person with a yellow aura you may find yourself constantly looking for something to do -- you may even have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD.
  • You may talk fast and a lot because of pent up energy. This energy may leave you susceptible to energy crashes, and you may have the need to sleep for a few days to recover from one of your adventures or frantic study sessions where you wanted to learn all you can about a random subject.
  • You may find yourself with blood pressure issues and perhaps anxiety attacks and acid indigestion. But do not fear -- simply keep your energy balanced and take care. Make sure you rest -- one of the hardest things for a person with a yellow aura to do, but it can be done.

Relationships of the Yellow Aura

Because of your high energy level and constantly processing mind, you may find that you bore easily. This can be very bad for relationships and you may find or already have had several relationships, marriages, and divorces. You are not bad, my yellow aura person, you are restless. Once you understand that, you will have better luck maintaining a relationship with the right person.
Your yellow aura is also the brightest in the spectrum. This can be intimidating to many. It's important to choose someone with a compatible aura color.
  • People with red or orange auras are solid and steady but too organized and meticulous for you. This will soon bore you and leave you wanting out.
  • The nurturing tan is steady, but will be boring to the active yellow.
  • Green auras are a good match, because they will appreciate your energy and creativity.
  • On the other hand, a Blue aura will want to control you. The last thing a yellow aura needs is someone who is controlling. The Blue will drag you down emotionally and cause you to lose self-esteem.
  • Lavenders are not good enough listeners for all your ideas and fast talking when you get excited.
  • Crystals will become overwhelmed and give too much advice.
  • Violets are the best match of all, for a Yellow aura. They share your passions and creativity. They will relish the idea of going on your many adventures together. When you are looking for a long-lasting relationship, look for the violet aura. Violet and Yellow are a strong combination, one that has the potential to last forever.

Violet Aura is Best For Yellow Aura

Green Aura

Green is a cool color and one associated with calm energy. Green is said to balance other colors and bring out the best in them. One might look at a flower and see the color of the flower, but take away the green stem, the green leaves, and the flower is just not the same. The same can be said of the person with a green aura. They thrive around people and interact well with most aura colors. Take away the people with different aura colors and the green aura may fade a bit, unless their mind is heavily focused on a new project. Green is also seen as the color of money. One might notice that successful people often have a lot of green in their aura, or have green as their predominant color


If you are very intelligent and seem to have a natural talent for power and ingenuity, you have a green aura. You may find that you are not that interested in details, only about the finished project. Greens innovate, create, and delegate. They do not like all the steps in between. You may be very drawn to money; feeling like that obtaining money is more than a goal, but what you must do for your own peace. This goal of money tends to turn a person into a workaholic, maybe spending more hours than healthy to make another buck. Greens are quick on their feet, quick to find solutions or come up with new ideas. Creativity is very evident for you. A green is not to be overlooked; they will work until they see what they consider success. Nothing can hold them back. The person with a green aura may also be strong-willed and will stop at nothing to fulfill their desires. They know what they want and they go for it. Besides being stubborn and hard-working, the energy of the person with a green aura is very engaging and exciting for many people. They are the go-getters of the world.

Loves To Be Around People

Green and Other Auras

The person with the green aura thrives around other people. They love the energy others give out . The Violet and Tan auras help to balance the high energy of the green.


The person with a green aura is head-strong and stubborn. A relationship with them requires a strong will and patience. The person with the green aura has set standards for themselves and expects their mate to have the same high standards. If you find that you prefer only the finest of clothes and cars, for example, you may have a green aura. This does not mean that the person with a green aura is difficult to handle, or an unpleasant person, not at all, they have high energy and expectations and their mate has to have the same ideals.
The person with the green aura can be self critical and demanding. Finding a balance with a quieter aura can help calm those worries of the green aura, for they always want to please. A person with a red or orange aura would bring out the worst or more arrogant aspects of the green aura and the personality of the green may be seen as a challenge to conquer to the orange. A person with a green aura may find they are suited to be with another person with a green aura, but there would be little emotional involvement with such a union. The violet or nurturing tan will balance well with the green and bring out the best in all their colors of auras.


Greens are very conscious about their health and do all they can to remain healthy. As long as things are going well for the green, the health is stable, but too much stress and disappointment can cause some concerns. When the person with the green aura is not feeling appreciated or feels that they are not succeeding in a manner that they envisioned, they may begin to suffer upset stomach, headaches and backaches. There may be a higher incident of ulcers with the person with the green aura because of the stress they put upon themselves. Sometimes a person with a green aura can worry so much about their health that they become hypochondriacs, always looking for things to worry about with their health. It is the desire to stay healthy that causes this over concern. Once they have proven to themselves that they are strong and healthy, this problem usually resolves.


Like everything else with the green aura, they will find their own spiritual path. Their love for knowledge will lead them to research many religions and deciding for themselves which is best. They may find difficulty adhering to one religion though because of having their own ideas of what is truth.


Because of their high energy and love of attention, careers for a person with a green aura include spiritual leader, fashion designer, news journalist and CEO of large corporations. They may also be entertainment or advertising agents, or have their own talk show, for example. The person with the green aura love to delegate so will be suited for almost any situation where they are in charge of many people. It is important to the health of the person with the green aura to choose a career that will give them ample down time each day to recharge their batteries. Being that they are prone to be workaholics, finding down time is not high priority.

Won't Stop Until They Reach the Top

Do You Have a Green Aura?

If you fit 95% or more of the criteria for the green aura, than you can consider your aura green. You are outgoing, concerned about health, energetic, creative and intelligent. Your ideas may not be understood by most because you seem to be ahead of your time. Keep track of your ideas that come so quickly at times, and other times at a snail’s pace because you will want to realize them all. Because you have the drive and energy, you will succeed.

Measuring and balancing your vibrations
You can see this as the future of medicine. Vibrational scanning can be made in a minute, giving a complete picture of everything in your body and the energy around it. Automatically balancing of destructed vibrations can be applied.

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