How Your Mind Works
We Have Two Minds In Conflict - Find Out How To End It And Open Your True Potential
Unification Psychology, Y. UTS / 2018
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The Inner Conflict between within our Mind |
We have an Earthly-physical mind and a Heavenly-spiritual mind. Many have experienced that lower vibrations of our heart connect us to the dense, heavy and restricted physical mind functioning only, while higher frequencies of love open the vast potential of our spirit mind.
Mind and Body unity is, in reality, the unity of these two minds. As Rev. Moon said, "The mind and body are respectively called the spirit mind and physical mind in the Unification View. However, are they in accord or not?"
Mind and Body unity is, in reality, the unity of these two minds. As Rev. Moon said, "The mind and body are respectively called the spirit mind and physical mind in the Unification View. However, are they in accord or not?"
"When your mind and body are united, you receive the protection of the universal force and you feel happy, but when your mind and body are not united, you encounter opposition from the same force and you feel pain. By this principle, disease causes pain."The state of our Mind's unity will decide also our eternal value.
CSG p.318, True Love
"The weight and the value of your mind will decide whether you go to heaven or hell. Just as there are hot-air balloons that fly high and those that fly low." Sun Myung Moon, The importance of mind-body unity
Thus, the value of physical life is to develop our hearts and spirit, for when we go to live in the world beyond the physical mind will be no longer needed. As A. Borgia explains in his book dictated from the spirit world,
"In the spirit world we have no physical brain to hamper us, and our minds are fully and completely retentive of all knowledge that comes to us. We do not forget those things we have learnt in the spirit world, whether they be spiritual lessons or plain facts." Life in the World Unseen
Frequency of the Original Mind and the Evil Mind
While the Physical mind can never feel God, our spiritual mind is constantly connected with Him. It senses the information from the spiritual world. Here is Rev. Moon's explanation on how to reach this deeper-inner level of your mind, by calming down your physical self:
"If you quiet yourself and focus your mind, there is a place deep down where the mind is able to settle. You need to let your mind go to that place. When you put your mind in that place and go to sleep, then when you awake you will be extremely sensitive. That is the moment when you should turn away all extraneous thoughts and focus your consciousness. Then you will be able to communicate with everything. If you don’t believe me, try it right now" Sun Myung Moon, As a peace-loving global citizen, p. 36

You can see in this chart: The higher the frequency of your heart, the higher the freedom of your Original Mind (You spirit mind acts freely as a subject).
The frequency where your physical mind is very active is much denser and heavier. It subjugates you under the earthly mind and your spirit has no energy to function properly.
Remember, when the physical mind is subject, that's the Evil Nature. Automatically the evil spirit world is free to work through the person. Even if he has good motivation the results will be in benefit of Satan.
Only when the spirit mind is subject and the physical mind follows God can be free and work through you. Our spiritual mind is never confused and never worries. It abides in God's love. This is a high frequency of heart, where you really feel alive and free.
These two minds are very different in nature. One is centered on the body and is the source of selfish-love, the other is centered on God and is the source of true love. When the earthly mind is the center, our mind functioning is called Evil Mind. But when the same inner give and take is centered on the eternal mind, our Original Mind is expressed.
"As long as our spirit mind and physical mind are under the bondage of Satan, the functioning entity they form through their give and take action is called the evil mind. The evil mind continually drives people to do evil." DPAs the center of the body, the Physical mind is naturally self-centered. Of course, it is created to care for the self-preservation. So nothing wrong with that if our spirit is strong to restrict it going in the wrong direction. Children have their parents to restrict their wrong desires, but when we grow up our own spirit is to be enough mature to lead.
The problem comes when one's spirit is immature and the physical mind is in control. Because it does not have sensibility to God and the spirit world it can only observe externally and see things horizontally. Thus, the physical mind of people with immature spirit will naturally lead to materialism and humanism.
"The dividing line lies in our conscience and body today. They are on a battlefield. Your body and mind are fighting. God is trying to gain victory in everything through the mind, while Satan is trying to do the same thing through the body. That is why your mind keeps vacillating between two directions... what we see through our physical body and what we see through our mind." Sun Myung Moon, The importance of mind-body unity
Unable to See God's Viewpoint
Unable to see God's viewpoint our physical mind is also unable to feel the hearts of others, so it easily doubts and criticizes. Thus, if you follow your earthly mind, it can lead you to confusion, anxiety, and fear. In the Principle, this state of mind (where Physical Mind is subject) is called the Evil Mind. That's why Father said, we "should be able to restrain our physical body and our physical senses because of true love."
"Thus, Satan's path or God's path is possible in every single step you take. Divide (into two sections is everything including what you see, hear, etc." Sun Myung Moon, The importance of mind-body unitySimply said, in this reversed position your own physical mind will train you to be a citizen of Hell. Low spiritual realms are exactly the place where people who did not develop their spiritual sensibility live. They are unable to see and feel the spirit world properly, so they suffer. On the other side, the physical mind of such spiritually immature person is an easy prey - influenced easily by the frequency of low spirits. See Heart Frequency chart:
How to Put Your Spiritual Mind Subject
Our spirit mind is wonderful. It has amazing power. It has sensibility to God's Heart. That's why Rev. Moon said, we should learn to talk to our inner mind and ask things we want to know or solve, because it knows every answer. So the real question is, how to connect to your inner mind and make your spiritual mind a subject?
The best way, The Divine Principle explains, is to strengthen your spirit. It will grow when receiving vitality elements (Good actions) and life elements (Prayer and study the Word). Our spirit grows gradually through the 3 stages; Formation (Formed spirit), Growth (Life spirit), and Completion (Divine spirit).
The other way is to put your body and brain down. Once you relax your physical mind, your spiritual mind can become subject in this state you can easily visualize. Once you achieve it you will realize how sharp, awake and precise your mind is this is your spiritual mind this is your true self it is always connected to God.
After while this state will become a habit, so you can naturally put your spiritual mind on top each time you want. You will discover that your heart will open to feel the hearts of the other people and God's heart about everything. This is the reason I can always perceive what kind of spirit world is around. I can sense the moment when people's mind shifts and allows evil spirit world to work through them.
What happens when you calm down your brain waves. Jose Silva found profound changes in people when they calm down to Alpha brain waves while remaining conscious (the state closer to sleep or deep meditation).
In that state of mind, people got more intuitive and creative. Stress melted away, energy level spiked, negativity and depression disappeared. Why?
We are so much more effective when we calm down our brain (physical mind), because in that state our spirit mind gets liberated. And it is our spirit, not our brain, that can do the miracles.
Silva found that in this higher frequency, our brain reduces the cycles of it's activity. People who reached that state of mind could do healing, find solutions and pray effectively. But most people walking on this planet function at the frequency of their brain (beta), without learning how to use their subconscious (alpha level). Thus most people use only the limited ability of their brain, while their spirit is underdeveloped. So they don't use their full human potential.
Restore our True Original Nature
The Original Good Nature comes out when our Spirit Mind is free to work. Our Original Mind is formed when our spirit mind (as Subject) forms a proper reciprocal relationship of give and take with the physical mind (as Object). The unity they form in this way is our Original Mind:
(1) Spirit Mind sees God's view and knows God's Heart.
(2) Spirit Mind is to lead the Physical Mind
(3) Physical Mind is to learn and accept the Spirit Mind's view
(4) Physical Mind multiplies the Spirit Mind way, coming from God
However, due to the Fall, man's spirit was immature and humanity was subjugated by evil spiritual powers, working through the body and controlling the physical mind to always go against God's will. This is the real source of the Four Fallen Natures:
(1) Physical Mind cannot feel God's Heart.
(2) Physical Mind left its proper position of Object
(3) Physical Mind constantly reverses dominion over the Spirit
(4) Physical Mind multiplies evil, propagating Satan's philosophy
As The Divine Principle explains, the real essence of Mind and Body unity is to restore the dominion of the Spiritual Mind over the Physical Mind. This happens by either calming the brain down or by empowering your spirit up.
Restoring that state was the purpose of the restoration. The Unification Thought shows how that was gradually done and in each providential age, the human spirit mind got in a higher position, gradually restoring its position as a subject over the limited physical mind. That was done externally by setting a person in Physical Mind in Cain position, to be subjugated with love from a Spirit Mind person in Able position.
In the Old Testament the spirit was not mature, so the physical mind had to lead the providence of restoration by obeying laws, rules and restrictions. In the New Testament people's spirit started developing, so they could grow through prayer, service and reading the scriptures. Only now in the Completed Testament Age people can reach perfection and enter the realm of Heart.
When our Spiritual Mind grows it starts developing its spiritual sensibility. Thus it becomes sensitive to God's Heart and starts perceiving everything from the spirit world. Spiritual sensibility can only be developed on earth, so people who's spiritual senses are dull end up unable to live in the spirit world. Our spirit grows through receiving vitality elements and life elements.
In moments when your spiritual mind is subject becomes easy to love others and feel deepest faith. This is the most natural state of our spirit mind. It happens without any effort. But because of the fall, our spiritual mind is constantly being subjugated under the lies and manipulations of our external logic of the brain (our physical mind).
Physical mind people dominated history, but God was tirelessly searching for spirit mind people who can channel his will and reveal his spiritual principles. There were two major ways to set the spirit mind as a subject; suppress the body (with fasting or other conditions) and rise the spirit (with good deeds, prayer and reading the Word).
In that state of mind, people got more intuitive and creative. Stress melted away, energy level spiked, negativity and depression disappeared. Why?
We are so much more effective when we calm down our brain (physical mind), because in that state our spirit mind gets liberated. And it is our spirit, not our brain, that can do the miracles.
Silva found that in this higher frequency, our brain reduces the cycles of it's activity. People who reached that state of mind could do healing, find solutions and pray effectively. But most people walking on this planet function at the frequency of their brain (beta), without learning how to use their subconscious (alpha level). Thus most people use only the limited ability of their brain, while their spirit is underdeveloped. So they don't use their full human potential.
Restore our True Original Nature
The Original Good Nature comes out when our Spirit Mind is free to work. Our Original Mind is formed when our spirit mind (as Subject) forms a proper reciprocal relationship of give and take with the physical mind (as Object). The unity they form in this way is our Original Mind:
(1) Spirit Mind sees God's view and knows God's Heart.
(2) Spirit Mind is to lead the Physical Mind
(3) Physical Mind is to learn and accept the Spirit Mind's view
(4) Physical Mind multiplies the Spirit Mind way, coming from God
However, due to the Fall, man's spirit was immature and humanity was subjugated by evil spiritual powers, working through the body and controlling the physical mind to always go against God's will. This is the real source of the Four Fallen Natures:
(1) Physical Mind cannot feel God's Heart.
(2) Physical Mind left its proper position of Object
(3) Physical Mind constantly reverses dominion over the Spirit
(4) Physical Mind multiplies evil, propagating Satan's philosophy
As The Divine Principle explains, the real essence of Mind and Body unity is to restore the dominion of the Spiritual Mind over the Physical Mind. This happens by either calming the brain down or by empowering your spirit up.
Restoring that state was the purpose of the restoration. The Unification Thought shows how that was gradually done and in each providential age, the human spirit mind got in a higher position, gradually restoring its position as a subject over the limited physical mind. That was done externally by setting a person in Physical Mind in Cain position, to be subjugated with love from a Spirit Mind person in Able position.
In the Old Testament the spirit was not mature, so the physical mind had to lead the providence of restoration by obeying laws, rules and restrictions. In the New Testament people's spirit started developing, so they could grow through prayer, service and reading the scriptures. Only now in the Completed Testament Age people can reach perfection and enter the realm of Heart.
When our Spiritual Mind grows it starts developing its spiritual sensibility. Thus it becomes sensitive to God's Heart and starts perceiving everything from the spirit world. Spiritual sensibility can only be developed on earth, so people who's spiritual senses are dull end up unable to live in the spirit world. Our spirit grows through receiving vitality elements and life elements.
In moments when your spiritual mind is subject becomes easy to love others and feel deepest faith. This is the most natural state of our spirit mind. It happens without any effort. But because of the fall, our spiritual mind is constantly being subjugated under the lies and manipulations of our external logic of the brain (our physical mind).
Physical mind people dominated history, but God was tirelessly searching for spirit mind people who can channel his will and reveal his spiritual principles. There were two major ways to set the spirit mind as a subject; suppress the body (with fasting or other conditions) and rise the spirit (with good deeds, prayer and reading the Word).
Physical Mind Leads to Humanism
Since the physical mind is created to care for the self preservation, it leads us to be self centered. It observes externally without sensing the heart and motivation of the people around. So it often leads to misinterpretations and fear. That fear can easily trigger antagonism, criticism, conflicts and wars.
Our physical mind (the brain) is not created to be able to connect to God, so it cannot understand joy with God even if it kills itself trying. Physical mind is connected with our individual goal, so automatically it worries about everything and mislead us to be self-centered even when thinking to live for God. But the thing is, physical mind is not created to be the Subject. So it's the spiritual mind's weakness and immaturity that allows physical mind to lead us. The wicker ones spiritual mind the more external, materialistic and humanistic is the person.
Now you can understand why physical mind became the origin of all disbelieve, materialism, gossiping, negativity, struggles and wars. Physical Mind's nature is the reason for the 4 Fallen Natures:
(1) Unable to see God's view - it cannot feel God's Heart
(2) Leaving its proper position
(3) Reversing dominion
(4) Multiplying evil
No matter how good from the humanistic perspective a person is, he will always be a channel for the evil spiritual world, he will always be misled by his physical mind to reverse dominion on many levels because he will never be able to see and follow God's viewpoint when led by his physical mind.
Depression and illness are also result of the physical mind reversal of dominion over our spirit. Not having the sense to God, it only brings confusion, anxiety and fear, which brings us into more problems, stress and sicknesses.
Why it is so? Physical mind is unable to feel God and the spirit world, it has no sensibility to connect to them.. No matter how much it tries it can only think of God rationally, but cannot connect you to God. It's not created for that.
Physical Mind Always Reverses God's Principles
First it is important to distinguish, are we acting under our intuitive spiritual mind guidance or our physical mind dominates us? Most of the thinking people do is from the physical mind, so it naturally leads them to humanism: Reversal of all God's principles. Same like Physical mind reverses dominion over spiritual mind, it will lead them to put object over subject, horizontal over vertical, external and material things over internal and spiritual...
So the more people were thinking how to solve things, the more they developed the Humanistic (Cain-type) philosophy in the history, But to solve problems you have to stop thinking with your brain, relax and liberate yourself from all these external problems.
Then, True Father suggests, to think of the principle figures and live yourself to fall asleep. When you wake up your spiritual sensitivity will be very strong. True Mother also in 1993 stressed how important is to develop our spiritual sensitivity quickly, no to be misled by evil spirits.
Our physical mind cannot recognize what's good and evil, and in fact it always misleads us to accept the evil as good. Example: Humanists think they are doing the highest good, when in fact they are destroying their children spiritually.
The Real Meaning of Mind and Body Unity
What I explained is written in the first pages of the Divine Principle. If you read carefully, Mind and Body unity is, in fact, Spiritual mind and Physical mind unity. Because of the Fall, our physical mind became subject and our spiritual mind got imprisoned, incapable to express and grow. Thus we lost our spiritual sensitivity to God and the truth. Divine Principle is very clear; Unless we develop our spiritual sensitivity to God here on earth there is no way we can feel and connect to God in the spirit world. In our age, the way to achieve that is open.
Your spiritual mind cannot be subject when you are anxious, confused, nervous, worrying. That's a common base with evil spirit world. We absolutely have to win this fight in our minds and lead your body:
"Without resolving those fights, no matter how diligently you practice asceticism... The purpose of practicing asceticism is to resolve this fight. Once you resolve this fight, asceticism will no longer be necessary. Hence, people that possess an elevated standard do not need to suffer. I will certainly lead this damn body."
More Internal Guidance:
- Why Study God's Word (Divine Principle)
- Internal Guidance on Problem Solving at FR
- Rev. Moon's words on Reading DP
- Study, Know and Believe to Incarnate the Truth
Now the Complete Truth overcomes these false philosophies. The Original Mind is free when Spirit Mind is Subject and Physical Mind unites with it; Thus, the Fallen Natures are gone and the Original Good Nature comes out.
(1) Since the Spirit Mind (Sp.M.) can see God's view and feels God's Heart. (2) Physical Mind is to follow the Spirit Mind guidance (3) Ph.M learns from Sp.M. and resists the fallen natures coming from the lineage (through the Body) (4) Ph.M. multiplies Sp.M. way, propagating God's Will
20 to 30 thoughts come in our mind each minute, from 20-30 spirits, including Satan. Our Spirit Mind is in constant communication with numerous spirits in the spirit world. Our Physical Mind catches some of them, as thoughts. Focusing on particular thoughts it will give common base with this these particular spirit.
People are spiritual beings. Yet now they are spiritually blind, not realizing where their thoughts come from - evil spirit world or good spirit world. Not knowing the Truth clearly we can be easily fulled in our own thoughts and side with Satan.
Only learning the Divine Principle well can give us the power to block Satan and side with God. Then we will find ourselves able to feel and perceive directly God's Heart and Will. Because our spirit mind is where God dwells, so it always knows the answer to every question.
First, learn the difference between how the Spirit Mind works and how Physical Mind works. They have different desires, different objectives. One sees always externally, the other always internally. Ph.M. doesn't know God, nor Sp.W, nor the truth - so it always gets confused, doubting, fearing. But Sp.M. always relates to God, Sp.W. and the Truth - never doubts, never confused, never fears, but always peaceful and loving.
God was in pain for thousands of years, since the fall. Cut off by his own children, trapped and controlled by Satan. How? Lucifer tempted our own ancestors to live a bad life and become evil spirits. Through the ancestors, he can invade and control the lineage.

Satan works through our Bodies (chemicals and energy)
How Satan controls our bodies? - through our lineage! Each cell of our body is connected with the memories of our ancestors. Satan uses many evil angels to induce our ancestors with lies and false promises. Under Satan's command they invade the body and influence thoughts and feelings against God's will.
Chemical reactions and subconscious trapped emotions subjugate the Physical Mind and push it against the Spiritual Mind. Once we understand that and subjugate our Body, Satan becomes powerless. But for this to happen, we have to quickly learn the Principle (Life Elements) and practice (Vitality Elements) so that our Spirit can grow to become Subject.
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