Frequency of Growth: The Vitality, Life and Spirit Elements

The Vibration Scale will help people eliminate their energy blocks and raise their vibrations to manifest their ideal realities, eventually it will help reshape the world

YuliUTS / 2017 / Unification Family Therapy

Quantum Mechanics has discovered that atoms and sub-atoms are in fact composed of packets of energy. Energy is the universal language. The leading research on human consciousness is showing that this energy vibrates on a Scale, where each human emotion has particular frequency of vibration (see Heart Resonance). Scientists even mapped parts of the body connected with each particular emotional state. See MAPS OF EMOTIONS

Did you ever try a Quantum Scanner? It shows everything in your body; minerals, vitamins... how each organ functions; It shows your emotional type, how you relate to people, what are your ambitions, financial and other areas of life, what is blocking you... So much information, just by scanning your resonance for 1-2 min.

As Rev. Sun Myung Moon explained: 
"Research on the frequency will enable contact with the spirit world... a world of new dimensions will be found.. the unknown spirit world can be rationally understood". Rev. Moon's Instructions
It's a fact! "Everything we ever done; all our thoughts, prayers, emotions, intentions, meditations have an energy that can be measured. It's real!" - said one of the researchers. This is revolutionary in many ways. This is no longer a pseudo-science. Now humanity can learn the spiritual and moral laws through the study of frequency.

Join one on one training via Skype or Zoom. Classes are conducted over 2-4 sessions per level. Write at

Vibrational Universe of Love

What is our level of heart? Now that can be measured. Heavy emotions like Fear, Anger or Shame vibrate at low frequencies. But feelings like Love, Joy and Peace vibrate at high, uplifting frequencies.
"The air in the spirit world is love. Love is the essence of life. In that world, you do not just breathe through your nostrils but also through the top of your head and through all your cells." Rev. Sun Myung Moon, CSG p.409
Everything we do should vibrate in the resonance of love. Indeed, every person has certain vibrational energy around himself (Aura), that can be measured. This energy reflects the combined informational field of all your cells.

Your energetic frequency can affect the energetic frequencies of those around you. For example, a person operating at the level of 500 Hz, which is the resonance of love Love, can lift 750,000 other people to a resonance above 200 Hz. Meaning, people around him will become better people. With your vibrations you can also affect other objects and even your reality!
"The mind is invisible.. yet it exists. Does it exist in the head, or in the heart? Mind exists throughout your body, with not even one cell within your body where it is not present." Rev. Sun Myung Moon, CSG p.1

Vibrational Difference between Healthy and Unhealthy Cell

Scientists are now able to hear the difference between a healthy and an unhealthy cell. The healthy cells sound like a nicely tuned orchestra, while cancer cell sounds like an orchestra out of tune. The soul attracts that which it secretly harbors; that which it love, but also, that which it fears. Yet, only in love we can bring all our cells in their own optimal frequency.

We feel in tune to people with similar vibrations like our's. If your internal vibration is one of anxiety, depression, anger, resentment, the life experience that you have may very well provide you with  people and situations that reflect this baggage in you.

It's very much alike radio station. Depending on what your frequency you emit, will decide what radio station you pick up. If we can raise and enhance our internal vibration, we can create a situation that reflects back a more positive experience of life. The real question is, how do we create that shift? Thus, first we need to understand what is good and evil for us vibrationally. Next, we have to understand the vibrational principles of growth.

Vibrational Difference between Good and Evil

One of the greatest plasma scientists today, Keshe, explains, "the position of the soul (in the spirit world) is determined by the gravitational-magnetic field, the strength of which is created by the soul during it's time of existence (on Earth)". As he put it, "In doing wrong, you use a lot of energy of your field and your strength to cover it, so you have less to give. So you are positioned as a soul in a position with less energy, which means you become a burden for other souls, who now need to elevate you to reach their level."

Same like the Divine Principle, Keshe explains that the difference in the spiritual level between people can be measured with the light they emit; is it small like a candle light, or strong, like a light reaching to millions. The less the spirit is giving, the smaller his light, the less he can see and orient himself. Measuring the vibrations of the field generated from our hearts, researchers found the dividing point between good and evil.
"Science found that 250 to 400 Hz is the resonance giving you Vitality Elements to grow. Any resonance below 200 Hz is poisonous for our spirit."
Heart Rate analyses show the difference; it  shows how different we act when our heart is in coherence. When our heart is in frustration we see internal war; under stress we act under our instincts (physical mind). But when we feel love and appreciation, our heart enters in coherence (inner harmony) and we act under the guidance of our Spirit Mind. Change of your heartistic frequency is the key.

In this sense, you can say that science points the level of heart, where we separate from Satan. But even more astonishing is, that the resonance above and below this point, have different amplitude. The pick of joy for resonance above this Zero point (250 Hz), naturally is the highest point. But below this resonance, the pick of joy is exactly the opposite - the lowest point.

That signifies that once people are under this point they enjoy evil, and to grow, they have to go against their own desires. But above this Zero point, you feel joy to do good; thus growing becomes the only natural choice. Our way of thinking is both affected by and affects this frequency.

You are the Maker of your Character

There is a joke; "Some people have absolutely mastered their emotions; They can be negative all the time, beyond every circumstance." But think about it, how many people you know are like this?  So do you think they grow in that state. Be ware, what's your frequency of heart? What emotions and thoughts you resonate with? Thoughts are like a radio channel. What station you are tuned in?

How mature is our heart? As Keshe explained, the more we give, the more energy our spirit has. Rev. Moon told us that life for the sake of others is vital for our spiritual growth. A child is absorbing the environment. That's a vulnerable level, needing the protection of the parents. We need to mature emotionally to be good parents.

When we face difficulties in our life, that's the moment when our hearts can grow, our energy level can expand. This means, you become a person who even in the midst of heavy, low environment, can still keep the heart of love. Instead of being drown down by the environment, such a mature person can raise the environment in a positive direction. True Parents have the resonance that can elevate the world. Yet, we all have to grow gradually to benefit not only our family, but the tribe, society, the nation and eventually the world.

Man is the maker of his character, as the Principle explains. Man is the master of thought, the molder of character and shaper of his conditions, environment and destiny. As a being endowed by God with creativity and love, man is the owner of his thoughts and holds the key to every situation. As an owner, he contains within himself that transforming and regenerative energy by which he may make himself what he wills.

Every thought allowed to take root into the mind is blossoming sooner or later into act, baring it's own fruitage in opportunities and circumstances. Good thought bare good fruits, bad thoughts bare bad fruits. The outer world of circumstance shapes itself in accordance with the inner world of thought.

A mature man sises to accuse others as the cause of his condition; sises to kick against circumstances but begins to use them as an aid to his more rapid progress. He will find, that as he alters his thought and views for other people, thoughts and people will alter towards him.

Thoughts rapidly crystallizes into habit and habits solidify into circumstance. Thoughts of fear, doubt and indecision crystallize into wick, irresolute habits, which solidify into circumstances of failure and slavish dependency. Hateful and condemnatory thoughts crystallize into habits of accusation and violence, which solidify into circumstances of injury and persecution.

Thought of malice, envy, disappointment robe the body of it's health and grace. To live continuously in thoughts of ill will, cynicism, suspicion and envy, is to be confined into a self made prison.

On the other hand, beautiful thoughts crystallize into habits of grace and kindliness, which solidify into genial and sunny circumstances. Loving and unselfish thoughts into habits of self-forgetfulness for others, which solidify into circumstances of sure prosperity, harmony and peace.

Learn to find the good in all, open their original mind with your love. Such unselfish thoughts are the portals to heaven. And to dwell every day with such thoughts of peace and love towards everyone and everything will bring a bounding peace to their possessor.

If the resonance of the surrounding national environment is bellow ours, only those with resonance above the average will be drown to our higher resonance. That's why witnessing is easy for those with higher resonance and vary difficult when our own resonance of heart is low. Same is true for Fundraising. It's all about your own character and heart. Going through this Formula Course we get vitally important training for our future family life.

The Benefits of the Age as Frequency

These studies of vibration also give clear explanation on how the Benefits of the Age work; When the resonance of a nation is raised up, all of it's subordinates naturally feel the benefit, because they are in the same vibrational continuum. If some are too low in resonance, unable to adjust, they will naturally separate from the rest and form an opposition group. These same principles are valid also on world level.
"Measurements show, that with the Olympic Games 1988, humanity shifted from heart-resonance of 190 Hz. to resonance of 210 Hz." 
I have this ability to sense this vibrations. I can observe the whole lineage of a person; sense any destructive vibrations in him that need to be resolved. Occasionally I use that to heal people or liberate them from some bad spiritual influence. Here I will try to present the most recent scientific findings about vibrations and systematize them in accordance with the Principle.

Studying highly developed spiritual people scientists created a chart, showing:
  • each stage of growth (F, G, C) has different resonance
  • I, E, W are one and the same thing at different resonance
  • our heart determines our place in the spirit world
  • the evil spirits can influence us at low resonance
  • our physical being matures to a spiritual being of light
  • we don't feel God in the lower resonance - understanding of the truth depends on resonance
  • the dividing line between good and evil
  • how indemnity works - similar to healing, by liberating low resonance into higher

Separation from Satan (100 - 250 Hz)

As you will see from these studies; after the Fall our hearts are vibrationaly pulling us downward. Consequently it became very difficult to grow spiritually. This studies show, that before even able to get vitality elements for growth, one has to first separate from Satan, surpassing this Zero Point.

You see the change in the heart rhythm when we are centered on love and when we act under fear. This affects our social behavior; the capacity to care for others.

To be free of Satan's attacks, a person should not have vibrations attracting such low spirits. But this means that all the ancestors connected to him, also have to be liberated.

Scientific studies, in exact accordance with Father's instructions, show that a person is influenced by evil spirits when the Resonance of his Heart is below 250 Hz. Resonance of 100 to 250 is the Formation Stage, which corresponds to the Middle spirit world, vulnerable to evil.

This resonance represents 'emotions'. At lower stages people tend to go to more negative emotions, at higher levels they learn to undergo any situation with love. Thus you see, a mature (perfected) individual will not go in negative emotions (gladly endure) even when put in Hell (most difficult situation). That's why Father talked about that. Emotionally vulnerable people are immature (Child - Formation level of growth). Hell consists of such people. Now you see why; they are objects for low spirits' influence. If a good person has bad experiences and keeps resentful feelings, he is dragged to Hell.

If 'sin' is the "common base with Satan", emotions in resonance under 100 automatically place you in contact with Hell (Unprincipled realm - under Formation Stage).  So it is a sin! And pulls you downwards vibrationally; Fear (100 Hz), leads you down to Doubts (75 Hz) and Painful heart (20 Hz), which may turn you negative, rebellious, resentful (like H2).

In that negative resonance gossiping and evil plotting is the only means of communication. Do you see, how low SC guys have gone! Remember, under 200 Hz people are used to feed on evil pastimes. This means, they feel joy when they do evil.

Today's Humanism (200 - 220 Hz)

Measurements show, that with the Olympic Games 1988, humanity shifted from heart-resonance of 190 Hz. to resonance of 210 Hz. Around 200 Hz, people start having stronger sense of Empathy, because they are about to cross to the Growth Stage of spiritual development. However, they are still under the physical mind's control and still not understanding the vertical norms. Thus, they sympathize mostly with the physical mind of the others, which is the desires of their fallen nature; while sharply standing in opposition to the desires of their spirit. That's how you come to Humanism, which is prevailing today. Humanism is a result of Empathy without Vertical Values. But from the few point of resonance, it is just a stage of development.

But once humanity goes above 300 Hz, their sense of the absolute truth and the universal moral values will start developing and people will have the internal drive to learn the Principle. The amazing part is, that after crossing over 300, it is so easy to reach 400, 500, 600 and more. And in resonance of Love (500 Hz), humanity will enter the Completion Stage. Read, Spiritual Heart. First communities will appear, then nations and soon the world will be transformed. On this level the evil influence has no common base, so such societies will be in God's protection.

The researching scientists correctly observed that in every situation we choose to react from love (for others) or fear (for self). This is the dividing line, between good and evil.

Live in Love and Above (500 - 700 Hz )
"Make yourself a tuning fork, resonating with and vibrating along God’s frequency. Resonate with God’s unselfishness." - Father On Spiritual Help
We should always live in love and above. We should be in resonance where we can have common base with God. Being in resonance above 500 automatically puts you in the protection of the high spirit world. But the average resonance of humanity is now measured around 210 Hz. So how can we grow to the realm of heart (500 and above)?
"Our spirit man grows through the give and take action between the "life element" (positive) coming from God, and the "vitality element" (negative) coming from the physical man. The spirit man.. sends a certain element in return which we call the "living spirit element." DP
1. VITALITY ELEMENTS (250 - 400 Hz)

I observed numerous times, once surpassing the resonance of 250 people are being pulled up vibrationally; At the resonance of 300 Hz they are Willing to hear the Truth, at 350 Hz they Accept it with all their hearts and start acting on it. At that resonance suddenly it's easy to understand, easy to act on the truth and easy to get results.
"Our mind rejoices when our body performs a good deed, but feels anxiety after evil conduct.. because the vitality element, which can be good or evil according to the deed of man, is infused into our spirit man." DP  
Thus, 250 to 400 is the resonance giving you Vitality Elements to grow. Any resonance below is poisonous for your spirit; Get's stored as trapped emotions (blockages - destructive energy causing sickness, bad relations, attracting incidents)

2. LIFE ELEMENTS (400 - 500 Hz)

The resonance of 400 is the resonance of Reason - Truth. In that resonance your mind works freely; you feel directly what's right and wrong; what's true and false. Remember, DP talks that this is our natural state - to feel God's Truth freely, without effort.
"Once they enter such a state of being, they will be able to converse with their mind. They will be able to hold a conversation with their mind. As soon as they think of doing something, the answer will already be right in front of them.. everything will aid them. Only then would they be able to do great things." CSG
Thus, 400 to 500 Hz is the resonance where The Life Elements start to be active; you receive Truth and Love directly from God.
"When the physical mind responds to desires of the spirit mind, the physical man acts in accordance with the purpose of the spirit mind. Then the physical man receives the living spirit element from the spirit man. This brings good feelings and energy to the spirit man.. Wholesome vitality element  influence it to grow normally, in the direction of goodness." DP
3. SPIRITUAL ELEMENTS (550 - 600 Hz)

How wonderful, quantum science today can measure these principles and show plainly how they work. The Principle explains that after good deeds the spirit returns living spirit elements to out body. So he experiences Joy and Healing (550 Hz).

You can see what these scientific measurements show; Truth (400) leads to Love (500), which brings us Joy (550) and we reach Peace (600 Hz). In this resonance a person is in the Completion Stage; the stage where you can easily create a loving family and expand it to tribe, community, the nation and the world. In resonance of 600 Hz, resentments are forgotten, peace among all religions, races and nations is possible. God was working to raise one such victorious Peacemaker.

We can now understand why the process of restoration was to elevate humanity to that completion stage. The Old Testament was Formation Stage (100-250 Hz); The New Testament elevated humanity to the Growth Stage (250-400 Hz); The Completed Testament is to open the Completion Stage (500 Hz and above).

But growth is gradual and becomes easy only above the resonance of 250 Hz. So this is precisely where humanity is now in this new Age After the Coming of CIG. Humanity is splitting on 2; those who choose love and grow above, and those who still don't want to give up the old satanic ways. Those who accept True Parents and those who deny them. And the whole spirit world is now fighting about that.

God's Work to Restore the Lineage

God could not restore the whole humanity at once. He had to first restore the lineage for one person to be born sinless, as Adam before the Fall. Than God had to work to restore a sinless daughter. Only this way the first True Family could appear. Only this way humanity could be engrafted back to God's lineage and get rid of Satan.

Born sinless, does not signify 100% of the lineage purified before birth. It's enough to be in this healthy resonance where he can freely grow. And that's above 250 Hz. Let's say God's work of restoration was to purify 70-90 percent, and one has to grow afterwords and restore the rest of his lineage. In Mother's case, she is born and raised based on Father's victories, not just the Christian foundation.

Once born based on history of purification, one needs to grow first to Individual Perfection, then Family, National, Tribal and World level. Explaining that in Resonance; Individual perfection is to go beyond 400 Hz. - resonance of Truth - Reason (Top of the Growth Stage). At the Resonance of Love, 500 Hz one elevates the hearts of 10 000 people around himself, at 600 Hz  - 10 mill., at 700 Hz (70 mill.).

Now you can truly understand what a perfect individual is; what a Messianic figure is. Read, . You see why Father directed to study these vibrations; they show the principles of growth; they show that perfection is all about our Hearts:
"The individual perfection.. is not the absolute and complete perfection of the individual... They have not experienced the great power of loving each other so much that the husband cannot give up his wife and the wife cannot give up her husband even in exchange for the universe. The love they share is so strong that it can hold heaven and earth together." (Father, CSG)
That's why there were many declarations where Father proclaimed that Mother reached each of these levels. But the final level of God's liberation was the Foundation Day, when Heaven (centered on Father) and Earth (centered on Mother) were united for the first time. This is when for the first time Heaven and Earth stand united; Thus God's Kingdom (CIG) could start from 2013.

The Age of True Parents and True Families
"Only when a person reaches perfection and is totally immersed in the love of God while on earth can he fully delight in the love of God as a spirit after his death."
 DP Creation p.49
A person in the Resonance of Peace (600 Hz) can bring former enemies to forgive and embrace each other. The Messiah is the first one to reach that stage and lead humanity to Peace and Unity. And as you see True Father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon's whole life is a substantial incarnation of that.

That's why in his presence we all felt like flying - our Original Mind felt free from evil spiritual influence. Through his high resonance of heart, leaders of all different denominations and nations, suddenly felt God's Heart. We were so fortuned to be able to be in the presence of the Messiah - The Lord of the Second Coming. In 2011 he proclaimed, 
"The Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and the Proclamation of the Substantial Word of God came out after I, as the center, have established the realm in which full resonance in heart can occur at the same time in east, west, north and south in heaven and earth... means everything has been done." Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Age of Change and Transformation

On this base, the world is ascending into a new love-based vibrational field, leaving behind the negative impact of our fear conditioned reality. Scientists observed incredible quantum change at the end of 2012. The vibrations of the physical reality became higher, the particles became smaller. That shows that the physical and the spiritual world became closer and very related. God's original ideal was for them to be united. That's why Father proclaimed the AGE OF THE UNION OF THE SPIRITUAL AND THE PHYSICAL WORLDS starting after 2012.

How do people feel when the resonance of the world was raised up with this quantum change? People with low resonance started suffocating, while people with higher resonance feel more free to grow, develop spiritual and healing abilities. That's why you see these external political chaos and migration chaos. But as one prophecy said, when you see these changes; even though you don't understand how, you know that something is shifting, something better is coming. And yes, the world is cleansing, because the Kingdom of God is coming. And what is this Kingdom in the Principle view?
"In the Kingdom of Heaven, God’s direction will be conveyed to all His children through the True Parents of humankind, guiding everyone to live as one." DP p. 46
Naturally TP's direction can be transmitted only through children who are united with them. And if you look at the difference of heart; the problem with SC is all about "vibrational mismatch". In Mother's speeches we see God's heart and love. In CIG we cannot accept resonance of fear, doubts, negativity, gossiping and labeling. Those with low resonance see only negativity and doomsday, those with high resonance see the building of God's Kingdom. Where are you; depends on your lineage's combined vibrational field and your responsibility to choose the way of righteousness. Thus I see the recent chaos as a resurrection phenomena. As Father said:
"Billions of spirits are on the attack to take hold over the physical world... After the year 2000, people will be able to communicate with each other spiritually. Whether they communicate with evil or good spirits, they may fight." CSG

You Will Know Them by Their Fruits
"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new." Socrates
Jesus said, that we will recognize a true person, by his fruits. "You Will Know Them by Their Fruits." (Matthew 7:15-20) There is no higher evidence for the victory of the True Parents, then the way they are restoring humanity and building the World of Love and Peace.
"The new era is beginning in which the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven is substantially spreading out before your very eyes, and when there is no longer the need to distinguish between the True Parents who work as the embodiment of God and the incorporeal God Himself." TF, 1.6.2009
Amazing community is now forming around Cheong Pyeong Lake. You see a new pure, happy and creative culture rising among the thousands of second gen. children living and studying there. And this is only a glimpse into what's coming in near future, when big communities of few generations start appearing everywhere around the world.

"Once the realm inhabited by such people expands, we will witness the realization of heaven on earth where God may dwell." True Mother

On this photo you see the Cheong Pyeong World Training center located under the Peace Palace. This beautiful area is quickly turning into the starting point of the Garden of Eden on Earth. For years, this was the place for spiritual healing and liberation of ancestors.
"I've been speaking about a revolution based on the Culture of Heart.. Once our mission is completed, we will have achieved a new realm of happiness based freedom.. our original nature will naturally guide us.. Conflicts would simply not exist in a world populated by such individuals." True Mother

To Establish the First Model Nation in 2020 
 "The time will come when millions of people will be witnessed to in a day. The Unification Church has such tremendous potential." CSG
Number of nations already educating their citizens in the Culture of Heart; In special-chosen nations rural areas with 80 to 100 % Blessed families; The Culture of Heart spreads like fire; Close to 400 families already fulfilled the Tribal Messiah mission to Bless and Educate 430 couples.
"God’s world is one based on the culture of heart. It is one unified extended family centered upon the one love of God. As such, the five races should live as one big family, with no one above or below others. Such a time is coming." Sun Myung Moon, CSG p. 1533
Religious Leaders about Rev. Moon / Heads of State and Political Leaders About Rev. Moon / Scholars About Rev. Moon
The magic happens in so many nations; Some Christian, some Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu or other religion... yet Tribal Blessings and the spread of the Culture of Heart is happening very fast. With the current temps of education... the estimates are 10 mill. new Blessed Families educated until 2020. But there are many additional effects... Already a Christian Leader, after going through 40 day WS, is teaching DP in his church. He alone has millions of followers. They started using Family Pledge and TP's picture.

World Leaders accepting the Culture of Heart

At the moment there are around 50 chosen nations. 13 of them are selected as special - since the education of their citizens is going with great speed.

Thousands of high official and VIP underwent 3 day and 7 day workshops on DP (Divine Principle). 700 world leaders have come to Korea for the World Summit Conference on Peace.

We have the report of nations that have 60% of their government officials educated in DP workshops.The list of worldwide activities for Peace of UPF has no end and surpasses any effort of UN or any government. (Read the full text)

Zoom Meetings on Energy Healing (CIG Health)

Zoom Meetings on Energy Healing (CIG Health)

By Yulian UTS /  Unification Family Therapy

What would happen if 1% of the global population would have the same thought at the same time? When you have millions of people in one synchronized feeling, you can shift everything.

We are now starting to hold regular Zoom Healing Meetings with that idea in mind. To learn how to use the power of our mind and spirit, to learn to heal ourselves, those around us, and heal the world.

Please contact us if you would like to join.
Share that information with others who may be interested.
Together our prayers and meditation will have far greater power.

1. Learn how to heal with your energy
2. Learn how to heal with your mind
3. Learn how to scan the energy of a person
4. Learn effective distant healing
5. Learn the power of visualization
6. Learn to move and generate a strong electromagnetic field with your mind
7. Learn how to influence the weather
8. Learn how to create the end results you desire

Facebook Group: CIG Healing
Facebook or Zoom meetings on Monday (6 pm) and Saturday (4 pm), UK time!
You can send me your email at

Meetings are 1 hour long and include 4 healing sessions, short healing guidance, practical exercises, plus sharings and Q&A. 

The Way to Heal Spiritually
"Modern people are not able to treat the fundamental cause of sin. They can only see the resulting diseases, and so they concentrate all their efforts in treating it." Dr. Lee
"The cause of the disease is spiritual... In treating the diseases of modem human beings, therefore, we should not depend solely on the visible disease or on the name of the disease. Instead, we should remove the fundamental cause of the disease and rely on the attributes given to us by God."  Dr. Lee


Bodily Maps of Emotions

Heavy emotions stagnate particular parts of your body. You can see that each emotional state produces different energetic image. Simply said, there are emotions produced by the body and emotions deriving from our spirit. Learn to destinguish and dominate them, or they will dominate you.

Bodily Maps of Emotions
"We often think the emotions are something that happen only in the mind, but there's also lots of evidence suggesting that they also happen in our bodies"

Recent study has linked specific emotions to physical sensations. Researchers tested emotional responses in hundreds of subjects and then created maps identifying locations in the body where emotions cause physical changes. You can see the results in the video. But what's important, heavy negative emotions store as destructive energy in our cell memory. That may result in eventual health issues or unwanted emotional reactions under their control. For example; have you ever felt you don't want to react nervous in certain situations, but when they come you always react the same. Or if you felt sad and depressed, when circumstances were to be joyful. Well, that's when such stored energy from past experiences (personal or ancestral) controls our minds.

Thus we come to understand, that our karma in life is very much linked to the emotional wounds of the past. We are expressing what we've learned. We are dealing with this enormous emotional template we've learned from our parents and they learned from their parents. From the time we are born until adulthood all we are doing is imprinting. What's accumulated vertically in the lineage expresses horizontally; All the emotional wounds are not only experienced as energy in parts of our body, but stored as destructive energy in those parts; that's why our bodies start singing the familiar songs of sicknesses, as cancer or any other health or relational type of problems. You can think of it as an informational energy field connected to us, to our Aura. As Father said, "wherever we go we carry our ancestors with us, connected to our body."

Two separate studies proved that our emotions directly affect the world around us. In the presence of positive emotions, the coils of the DNA relaxed. In the presence of negative emotions, the DNA tightened. But also scientists observed the effect of DNA on our physical world. When human DNA was inserted into vacuum, the light photons stopped their random movement and precisely followed the geometry of the DNA. This is a new field of energy that connects everything. These experiments prove our emotions affect our DNA, and our DNA affects our physical world. Therefore, our emotions physically change the world around us. The Unification Quantum Research helps you learn how to transform Stress and live in FLOW!

Research found that happiness and love sparked activity across nearly the entire body, while depression had the opposite effect: It dampened feelings in the arms, legs and head. Danger and fear triggered strong sensations in the chest area, the volunteers said. And anger was one of the few emotions that activated the arms.

Negative Emotions weacken your body, while positive Emotions strengthen your body

Stress reduces body immunity and can exacerbate almost any symptom or disorder. Emotions are considered the major internal causes of disease in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Within reasonable limits, emotions cause no disease or weakness in the body. However, when emotions become so powerful that they become uncontrollable and overwhelming for a prolonged period, they can cause real injury to the internal organs and open the door to disease, by causing blockages in our meridian system, through which life-energy or “qi” flows.

Here are the Seven Primal Emotions. They are all Rewarding or Aversive:

Primal Emotions - Affective Feelings
PLAY                         Joyous
CARE                        Tender & Loving
SEEKING                  Enthusiastic
LUST                         Horny
RAGE                        Pissed-off
FEAR                        Anxious
PANIC                      Lonely & Sad
Each organ has it's own frequency vibration; with different emotions associated with it.
The 5 Negative Emotions:
1: Anger: Anger affects the liver more than any other organ. Symptoms to look for: Headaches, Itchy skin, Skin conditions, Easily irritated, Sluggish, Low energy. Researchers examined anger among Hepatitis C patients and found patients experienced moderate anger during treatment, and that increased anger lowered quality of life. Suppressed anger does damage and eventually turns into depression so find healthy ways to get it out of your body.

2: Grief: Grief is stored in the lungs and when prolonged, can result in: Tightness in chest, Recurring bronchitis, Asthma, Pain in the chest shoulder and back, Cough, Dry mouth and throat, Hoarseness, Weight loss. “A British study found that people who eat two to five apples a week had a 32% lower risk of asthma than people who ate less.” New research shows that vitamin C protects the lungs. Kiwis are extremely high in vitamin C.

3: Worry: The stomach shoulders the long-term effects of worry, weakening digestive fire. This lowers hydrochloric acid production and can cause bloating, gas, and changes in bowel habits while thinning gut lining. “Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor.”

4: Stress: Stress makes everything worse, but it really targets the heart and brain, leading to anxiety disorders, heart palpitations, insomnia, muscle cramps, and brain fog. Deep breathing works wonders!), Exercise daily to release excess energy, so it doesn’t continue to circulate unproductively throughout your body.

5: Fear: Fear lives in the kidneys and can manifest as chronic adrenal fatigue with the never ending tired-but-wired feeling, frequent urination, urinary tract infections, back pain, and insomnia due to the inability to “let go” from not feeling safe.

Certain emotions are known to be associated with pain in certain regions of your body! Every feeling you have influences some part of your body, and anxiety can wreak mayhem on your physical health. So if you want to have more control over your physical health and well being, then take more control over your emotional well being. In modern medicine, we tend to take a very mechanical view of the body and the physiological functions of its component organs. But in many traditional medical systems, the internal organs were seen as being strongly affected by the emotions.

If you have a lot of sadness in your life it will eventually make your energy to flow incorrectly. It may fester in your lungs, flow in the wrong direction or it may spread out. If new and vibrant energy is not allowed to come into your lungs, you may start coughing or you may become vulnerable to a virus and get a cold. The bottom-line is - our emotional well being affects our physical well being.

Those suffering from depression will often experience chest pains, even when there’s nothing physically wrong with their heart. The term ‘broken heart’ is real too as after losing a loved one, your risk of suffering a heart attack shoots up by 21 times!

The emotion of fear is related to the kidneys. This relationship can readily be seen when extreme fear causes a person to urinate uncontrollably. In children, this can also manifest as bed-wetting, which psychologists have linked to insecurity and anxiety. Long-term anxiety due to worrying about the future can deplete the functioning of the kidneys, eventually leading to chronic weakness.

When you're stressed, your body releases stress hormones like cortisol, which prepare your body to fight or flee. Your heart rate increases, your lungs take in more oxygen, your blood flow increases, and parts of your immune system become temporarily suppressed, which reduces your inflammatory response to pathogens and other foreign invaders. When stress becomes chronic, your immune system almost gives up. Now let’s see how our various emotions are affecting us…

A very common emotion in our stress-filled society, worry can deplete the life energy. This can cause digestive disturbances and eventually lead to chronic fatigue. A person who worries too much "carries the weight of the world on her shoulders."

Anger is associated with the liver. By its nature, anger causes life energy to rise, leading to a red face and red eyes, headaches, and dizziness. This matches the pattern of liver fire rising. Anger can also cause liver energy to "attack the temper," producing lack of appetite, indigestion, and diarrhea. In a more long-term view, suppressed anger or frustration often causes liver to become stagnant; this might result in depression or menstrual disorders.

The emotion of joy is connected with the heart. A disorder related to joy may sound perplexing, since most people want as much joy in their life as possible. The disorders from this emotion are not caused by happiness; rather, the imbalance comes from too much excitement or stimulation, or sudden good news that comes as a shock to the system. When evaluating stress levels, psychologists look at all sources of stress, both positive and negative.

Too much happiness can kill you! Clearly the death of a spouse or a job loss is a significant source of stress. However, a marriage or job promotion, while a happy occasion, is also a source of stress. A person who is constantly on the go, partying, and living a life of excess can eventually develop heart imbalances with palpitations, anxiety, and insomnia. A person with heart imbalances may also exhibit emotional symptoms, since the heart is the seat of the spirit. Such behavior results from the heart organ's inability to maintain a stable resting pace.
Shock is especially debilitating to the kidneys and heart. The "fight or flight" reaction causes an excessive release of adrenaline from the adrenal glands that sit on top of the kidneys. This causes the heart to respond with palpitations, anxiety, and insomnia. Chronic stress from shock can be very debilitating to the entire system, causing a wide range of problems. Severe shock can have a long-term effect on the heart, as is evident in victims of post-traumatic stress syndrome.

The heart, being the principal organ of the Vital Faculty, is very sensitive to emotional states. Gracious, liberal, inspiring emotions like bravery, boldness, sincerity, frankness, unselfishness and empathy strengthen the heart, whereas immoral, constrictive, base emotions like weakness, nervousness, guilt, remorse, trickery and treachery weaken them.

The lungs are sensitive and vulnerable to many of the same emotional states as the heart, and responds similarly. The lungs need a feeling of psychic space within which to function; the phrase, "breathing room" is a common expression. The feeling of being smothered, invalidated, or denied one's space can constrict the lungs and cause respiratory problems. Conversely, a feeling of dignity and pride puffs up the chest, and allows the lungs to expand and function properly.

The throat is the body's main communications center. An inability to come out and speak one's truth will often cause physical problems with the throat. The throat is also the upper end of the digestive tract. Acute emotional tensions and anxieties can agitate the Natural Force in the liver, causing it to rise and get bottlenecked in the throat; one then feels like one's choking on something. Emotional gushings of sadness, grief or intense sentimentality will also cause a lump in the throat.

Liver, Gall Bladder
Bile is produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder, which makes these two organs vulnerable to negative Choleric emotions like anger, irritability, frustration, resentment, jealousy and envy. These negative Choleric emotions are stored in these organs, and can slowly eat away if allowed to fester. Anger and rage can explode upwards from the liver into the head, causing a lot of havoc in their wake: headaches, migraines; red, sore, bloodshot eyes; and muscular tension in the neck and shoulders.

The stomach is a seething cauldron of emotions, and is intimately connected to the Gastric Center, or chakra, also called the Abdominal Center, which governs energy flow and distribution throughout the belly and gut. Choleric emotions like anger, hate, rage and frustration stored here lead to gastritis, ulcers and other Choleric stomach conditions.

Fright, fear and shock are most injurious to the kidneys. The energetic flow of these emotions is downwards, as they take away the foundation of security and self-assurance that we have. This also concerns the Root Center, or chakra, that root support or energetic foundation of strength and security that we have, which is closely connected to the kidneys and their balanced retention and evacuation of urine.

The brain comes last in our discussion of the emotional life of the organs because it's often the effect of humoral and metabolic imbalances arising elsewhere in the body, which send subtle vapors up to the brain to influence its functioning.

Be happy, stay healthy
Scientists don't yet fully understand the biological mechanisms at work, but they know that negative feelings like stress, sadness, and worry cause a spike in hormones that in turn suppresses the immune system. So, stay positive, stay happy and stay healthy!

When you feel some emotion, you are feeling certain frequency of energy, that can be released. The best part is, it can be released from distance. Once the trapped emotion is released, all the consequent problems from it are suddenly gone.


  • Physical Reaction from the Feelings

    Feelings are often associated with physical reactions: terror can send chills down your spine, and love can leave you weak in the knees. A recent study has linked specific emotions to physical sensations. Researchers tested emotional responses in hundreds of subjects and then created maps identifying locations in the body where emotions cause physical changes.

    We often experience emotions directly in the body. Going in the park to meet someone we love we walk lightly with our hearts pounding with excitement, whereas anxiety might tighten our muscles and make our hands sweat and tremble before an important job interview. Numerous studies have established that emotion systems prepare us to meet challenges encountered in the environment by adjusting the activation of the cardiovascular, skeletomuscular, neuroendocrine, and autonomic nervous system (ANS) (1). This link between emotions and bodily states is also reflected in the way we speak of emotions (2): a young bride getting married next week may suddenly have “cold feet,” severely disappointed lovers may be “heartbroken,” and our favorite song may send “a shiver down our spine.” Both classic (3) and more recent (4, 5) models of emotional processing assume that subjective emotional feelings are triggered by the perception of emotion-related bodily states that reflect changes in the skeletomuscular, neuroendocrine, and autonomic nervous systems (1). These conscious feelings help the individuals to voluntarily fine-tune their behavior to better match the challenges of the environment (6). Although emotions are associated with a broad range of physiological changes (1, 7), it is still hotly debated whether the bodily changes associated with different emotions are specific enough to serve as the basis for discrete emotional feelings, such as anger, fear, or happiness (8, 9), and the topographical distribution of the emotion-related bodily sensations has remained unknown. Here we reveal maps of bodily sensations associated with different emotions using a unique computer-based, topographical self-report method (emBODY, Fig. 1). Participants (n = 701) were shown two silhouettes of bodies alongside emotional words, stories, movies, or facial expressions, and they were asked to color the bodily regions whose activity they felt to be increased or decreased during viewing of each stimulus. Different emotions were associated with statistically clearly separable bodily sensation maps (BSMs) that were consistent across West European (Finnish and Swedish) and East Asian (Taiwanese) samples, all speaking their respective languages. Statistical classifiers discriminated emotion-specific activation maps accurately, confirming independence of bodily topographies across emotions. We propose that consciously felt emotions are associated with culturally universal, topographically distinct bodily sensations that may support the categorical experience of different emotions.

    Science of the Heart: The Magnetic Field of Love

    Science of the Heart 
    Heart's Quantum Mystery is that it acts like a Magnetic Field of Love. Once we are connected to God's love, everyone in touch with us is raised to these high vibrations

    Over the past 18 years, research centers investigated Heart - Brain interactions; how the heart and the brain interact with each other.. and how that affects consciousness and our perceptions. 

    It appears that worries, fears, negativity and bad relations.. store as negative frequency in our body. Love and good acts are recorded as a field of healthy, positive frequency. This is physical energy, with certain resonance. Think, Vitality Elements that store and build our spirit, depending on our good or bad actions. 
    "Make yourself a tuning fork, resonating with and vibrating along God’s frequency. Resonate with God’s unselfishness." Sun Myung Moon, On Spiritual Help
    These stored frequencies are the origin of our state of health or sickness. Not only that, but this quantum-energy-field attracts good or bad situations in our life, depending on its frequency.  Many like me can feel it and heal it, for we are the lords of God's Creation, created to live in joy and love. 
    "Space and Time are able to change depending on the level of human vibrations, quickly moving from one dimension to another." Heart Resonance 
    In the state of Coherence; feeling love, compassion, care, appreciation... the heart beats out a very different message. Think of it as a radio field that can tune and connects us to different spiritual realms. This emotional information is encoded in the radio fields radiated in the surrounding. With a high, harmonious-loving resonance we are able to heal, liberate trapped emotions, heal relationships. This is so easy now in the Age of CIG.

    In this chart, you can see that the center of our spirit mind is the Heart, where we should be one with God. The heart expresses through the Intellect, Emotions and Will (functions of our spirit). As a result, pre-energy is generated, that projects in our spiritual and finally in the physical surrounding. This physical projection reflects the Spiritual Heart and can now be measured by science. See the chart below.

    The human heart emits the strongest electromagnetic field in our body. This electromagnetic field envelops the entire body extending out in all directions, and it can be measured up to several feet outside of the body. Yes, we are interconnected and influence each other through this field.
    "The most powerful force in the world is love, and the most fearful thing is a mind and body united... Each life form in the world seeks to connect itself with that which gives it the most love." Sun Myung MoonAs a peace-loving global citizen, p. 36
    Research from the Institute of HeartMath shows that this emotional information is encoded in this energetic field. HeartMath researchers have also seen that as we consciously focus on feeling a positive emotion - such as care, appreciation, compassion or love - it has a beneficial effect on our own health and well-being, and can have a positive effect on those around us.

    The Chart of Heart Resonance: Our emotional resonance connects us with different spiritual realms


    Completion stage of Love, Joy and Peace is where one's heart resonance reaches 500 to 600. That's the level of altruistic, sacrificial and unconditional giving of love. Nothing to do with selfish love and joy. A persona at resonance of 500 (Love) can positively change the frequency of 70 000 other people. One person at the vibration of 600 (Peace) can affect 10 million people. Person with vibration of 700 can positively impact 70 million people. That shows, that you can influence your environment, you can actually change the World.
    "The day will come when the truth will be known and the message of love will be taught." Sun Myung Moon
    The day will come when the truth will be known and the message of love will be taught. On that day, their regret will be deep. Sun Myung Moon
    Read more at:
    The day will come when the truth will be known and the message of love will be taught. On that day, their regret will be deep. Sun Myung Moon
    Read more at:
    We could always sense that True Father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, is at that higher resonance of heart, connected to God. That's why our Original Mind felt so free in his presence. For this purpose, Rev. Moon said, "If there are 12 people who reach perfection, the world will be restored in no time." Today even science confirms that power of True Love and Living for the Sake of Others.


    Once person's Heart develops to the resonance of Growth Stage (300 to 400), he co-resonates with the spiritual realm of Paradise. At that stage he is willing (resonance of 300), he accepts (resonance of 350) to follow and practice the Truth, reaching to the resonance of Reason (resonance of 400) where his mind works free. Read the Power of Thinking. Here the love is pure and beautiful, but not enough mature to overcome temptations. In the Completion Age we have to go beyond that, creating the world of Ideal Families, leaving for the sake of the greater good.
    "The unselfish way of life is to think beyond ourselves and our family and live for the greater purpose of the nation and the world." Sun Myung Moon


    When our spirit is on Formation Stage (resonance of 50 to 200). This resonance connects us to the Middle Spirit World. It's immature - child state. Children have not yet developed their spiritual mind, so they depend on the loving environment, security and protection of their parents. Otherwise they easily go into a state of fear, doubts or get angry at each other for small things. Parental care and protection in the atmosphere of love and trust are crucial for raising the child safely to the next level of growth. At that stage they are still immature and get easily influenced by the emotional surrounding.

    The problem comes when one is stuck on that level even when he grows up. He will be emotionally influenced and unstable. Such people may think of themselves as very heartistic. They easily enter in intimate sharing of gossips. That's only possible at such low resonance and will lead them down towards negative resonance and resentments. For this reason, intrigues and conflicts are unavoidable if we are not elevated to a higher resonance. Meaning, only love and care can help people grow. Punishment and control will only push them further down.

    In such state people's hearts are twisted and evil. They feel joy of gossiping, insensitive to the pain of those they hurt. Yet, they feel amazing compassion for the fallen natures of those around them, thus stimulating it, supporting and protecting it; Very humanistic, relativistic heart. You can understand that there is strong spiritual influence behind all this process. They are not conscious of what their actions will produce. The common base is the same heart resonance with spirits of that level. Read Games People Play in the Family, to see where all that leads.

    According to the Unification Family Therapy, "humanistic philosophy, denying any universal vertical standards stood as an obstacle... The more humanistic love expended in society the more social problems and disappointment in love we gained. 

    As Rev. Moon says, “Without the vertical axis, you can’t have the human horizontal love.” The next stage of Heart Resonance, rises to some emotional stability, by developing the ability to reason correctly what's right and wrong. Which leads out of the immature state of relativism.


    Every time you raise your frequency you automatically elevate the frequency of the people you think or pray of. God is the source of love, but he needs objects, ready to channel his love in this world. Rev. Moon dedicated his whole life, trying to bring love in this world; investing in breaking all satanic borders with the power of true love.
    COMMENT: True love feels like a magnetic field connected to God and True Parents. Everyone we come in contact with is connected to us and connects to Prue Parents who are one with God. 
    Sending good intentions and good thoughts when someone is in need of physical, emotional, spiritual or mental help is more important than you might realize. In a universe where everything is energy, your thoughts and intentions can, and do, influence matter.


    Spiritual Heart: Heart Resonance of CIG
    Spiritual Heart: Heart Resonance of CIG, Unification Family Therapy, Psychology, Love, Power of Heart, resonance Spiritual Heart   A path...
    Resonance of heart God's love Emotion Spirit world heart resonance true love resonance peace joy Heart Resonance of Love  Heart Resona...

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