How Your Mind Works: Physical & Spiritual Mind

How Your Mind Works 
We Have Two Minds In Conflict - Find Out How To End It And Open Your True Potential

Unification Psychology, Y. UTS / 2018

The Inner Conflict between within our Mind
We have an Earthly-physical mind and a Heavenly-spiritual mind. Many have experienced that lower vibrations of our heart connect us to the dense, heavy and restricted physical mind functioning only, while higher frequencies of love open the vast potential of our spirit mind.

Mind and Body unity is, in reality, the unity of these two minds. As Rev. Moon said, "The mind and body are respectively called the spirit mind and physical mind in the Unification View. However, are they in accord or not?"
"When your mind and body are united, you receive the protection of the universal force and you feel happy, but when your mind and body are not united, you encounter opposition from the same force and you feel pain. By this principle, disease causes pain." 
CSG p.318, True Love
The state of our Mind's unity will decide also our eternal value.
"The weight and the value of your mind will decide whether you go to heaven or hell. Just as there are hot-air balloons that fly high and those that fly low." Sun Myung MoonThe importance of mind-body unity

Thus, the value of physical life is to develop our hearts and spirit, for when we go to live in the world beyond the physical mind will be no longer needed. As A. Borgia explains in his book dictated from the spirit world, 
"In the spirit world we have no physical brain to hamper us, and our minds are fully and completely retentive of all knowledge that comes to us. We do not forget those things we have learnt in the spirit world, whether they be spiritual lessons or plain facts." Life in the World Unseen

Frequency of the Original Mind and the Evil Mind

While the Physical mind can never feel God, our spiritual mind is constantly connected with Him. It senses the information from the spiritual world. Here is Rev. Moon's explanation on how to reach this deeper-inner level of your mind, by calming down your physical self: 
"If you quiet yourself and focus your mind, there is a place deep down where the mind is able to settle. You need to let your mind go to that place. When you put your mind in that place and go to sleep, then when you awake you will be extremely sensitive. That is the moment when you should turn away all extraneous thoughts and focus your consciousness. Then you will be able to communicate with everything. If you don’t believe me, try it right now" Sun Myung Moon, As a peace-loving global citizen, p. 36

You can see in this chart: The higher the frequency of your heart, the higher the freedom of your Original Mind (You spirit mind acts freely as a subject).

The frequency where your physical mind is very active is much denser and heavier. It subjugates you under the earthly mind and your spirit has no energy to function properly. 

Remember, when the physical mind is subject, that's the Evil Nature. Automatically the evil spirit world is free to work through the person. Even if he has good motivation the results will be in benefit of Satan. 

Only when the spirit mind is subject and the physical mind follows God can be free and work through you. Our spiritual mind is never confused and never worries. It abides in God's love. This is a high frequency of heart, where you really feel alive and free. 

Reversal of Dominion in our Minds

These two minds are very different in nature. One is centered on the body and is the source of selfish-love, the other is centered on God and is the source of true love. When the earthly mind is the center, our mind functioning is called Evil Mind. But when the same inner give and take is centered on the eternal mind, our Original Mind is expressed.
"As long as our spirit mind and physical mind are under the bondage of Satan, the functioning entity they form through their give and take action is called the evil mind. The evil mind continually drives people to do evil." DP
As the center of the body, the Physical mind is naturally self-centered. Of course, it is created to care for the self-preservation. So nothing wrong with that if our spirit is strong to restrict it going in the wrong direction. Children have their parents to restrict their wrong desires, but when we grow up our own spirit is to be enough mature to lead.  

The problem comes when one's spirit is immature and the physical mind is in control. Because it does not have sensibility to God and the spirit world it can only observe externally and see things horizontally. Thus, the physical mind of people with immature spirit will naturally lead to materialism and humanism. 
"The dividing line lies in our conscience and body today. They are on a battlefield. Your body and mind are fighting. God is trying to gain victory in everything through the mind, while Satan is trying to do the same thing through the body. That is why your mind keeps vacillating between two directions... what we see through our physical body and what we see through our mind." Sun Myung Moon, The importance of mind-body unity
Where this reversal of dominion in our minds originates? Because of the Fall our spirit could not mature, so the physical mind was left without a subject, controlled by the body. Notice that all evil came from the way the Physical mind works. For example, unable to feel God it always leads to the First Fallen Nature. For this reason, it objects every direction coming from the spirit mind (from God).

Unable to See God's Viewpoint

Unable to see God's viewpoint our physical mind is also unable to feel the hearts of others, so it easily doubts and criticizes. Thus, if you follow your earthly mind, it can lead you to confusion, anxiety, and fear. In the Principle, this state of mind (where Physical Mind is subject) is called the Evil Mind. That's why Father said, we "should be able to restrain our physical body and our physical senses because of true love."
"Thus, Satan's path or God's path is possible in every single step you take. Divide (into two sections is everything including what you see, hear, etc." Sun Myung MoonThe importance of mind-body unity
Simply said, in this reversed position your own physical mind will train you to be a citizen of Hell. Low spiritual realms are exactly the place where people who did not develop their spiritual sensibility live. They are unable to see and feel the spirit world properly, so they suffer. On the other side, the physical mind of such spiritually immature person is an easy prey - influenced easily by the frequency of low spirits. See Heart Frequency chart:

How to Put Your Spiritual Mind Subject

Our spirit mind is wonderful. It has amazing power. It has sensibility to God's HeartThat's why Rev. Moon said, we should learn to talk to our inner mind and ask things we want to know or solve, because it knows every answer. So the real question is, how to connect to your inner mind and make your spiritual mind a subject?

The best wayThe Divine Principle explains, is to strengthen your spirit. It will grow when receiving vitality elements (Good actions) and life elements (Prayer and study the Word). Our spirit grows gradually through the 3 stages; Formation (Formed spirit), Growth (Life spirit), and Completion (Divine spirit).

The other way is to put your body and brain down. Once you relax your physical mind, your spiritual mind can become subject in this state you can easily visualize. Once you achieve it you will realize how sharp, awake and precise your mind is this is your spiritual mind this is your true self it is always connected to God.

After while this state will become a habit, so you can naturally put your spiritual mind on top each time you want. You will discover that your heart will open to feel the hearts of the other people and God's heart about everything. This is the reason I can always perceive what kind of spirit world is around. I can sense the moment when people's mind shifts and allows evil spirit world to work through them.

What happens when you calm down your brain waves. Jose Silva found profound changes in people when they calm down to Alpha brain waves while remaining conscious (the state closer to sleep or deep meditation).

In that state of mind, people got more intuitive and creative. Stress melted away, energy level spiked, negativity and depression disappeared. Why?

We are so much more effective when we calm down our brain (physical mind), because in that state our spirit mind gets liberated. And it is our spirit, not our brain, that can do the miracles.

Silva found that in this higher frequency, our brain reduces the cycles of it's activity. People who reached that state of mind could do healing, find solutions and pray effectively. But most people walking on this planet function at the frequency of their brain (beta), without learning how to use their subconscious (alpha level). Thus most people use only the limited ability of their brain, while their spirit is underdeveloped. So they don't use their full human potential.

Restore our True Original Nature

The Original Good Nature comes out when our Spirit Mind is free to work. Our Original Mind is formed when our spirit mind (as Subject) forms a proper reciprocal relationship of give and take with the physical mind (as Object). The unity they form in this way is our Original Mind:

    (1) Spirit Mind sees God's view and knows God's Heart.
    (2) Spirit Mind is to lead the Physical Mind
    (3) Physical Mind is to learn and accept the Spirit Mind's view
    (4) Physical Mind multiplies the Spirit Mind way, coming from God

However, due to the Fall, man's spirit was immature and humanity was subjugated by evil spiritual powers, working through the body and controlling the physical mind to always go against God's will. This is the real source of the Four Fallen Natures:

    (1) Physical Mind cannot feel God's Heart.
    (2) Physical Mind left its proper position of Object
    (3) Physical Mind constantly reverses dominion over the Spirit
    (4) Physical Mind multiplies evil, propagating Satan's philosophy

As The Divine Principle explains, the real essence of Mind and Body unity is to restore the dominion of the Spiritual Mind over the Physical Mind. This happens by either calming the brain down or by empowering your spirit up.

Restoring that state was the purpose of the restoration. The Unification Thought shows how that was gradually done and in each providential age, the human spirit mind got in a higher position, gradually restoring its position as a subject over the limited physical mind. That was done externally by setting a person in Physical Mind in Cain position, to be subjugated with love from a Spirit Mind person in Able position.

In the Old Testament the spirit was not mature, so the physical mind had to lead the providence of restoration by obeying laws, rules and restrictions. In the New Testament people's spirit started developing, so they could grow through prayer, service and reading the scriptures. Only now in the Completed Testament Age people can reach perfection and enter the realm of Heart.

When our Spiritual Mind grows it starts developing its spiritual sensibility. Thus it becomes sensitive to God's Heart and starts perceiving everything from the spirit world. Spiritual sensibility can only be developed on earth, so people who's spiritual senses are dull end up unable to live in the spirit world. Our spirit grows through receiving vitality elements and life elements.

In moments when your spiritual mind is subject becomes easy to love others and feel deepest faith. This is the most natural state of our spirit mind. It happens without any effort. But because of the fall, our spiritual mind is constantly being subjugated under the lies and manipulations of our external logic of the brain (our physical mind).

Physical mind people dominated history, but God was tirelessly searching for spirit mind people who can channel his will and reveal his spiritual principles. There were two major ways to set the spirit mind as a subject; suppress the body (with fasting or other conditions) and rise the spirit (with good deeds, prayer and reading the Word).

Physical Mind Leads to Humanism

Since the physical mind is created to care for the self preservation, it leads us to be self centered. It observes externally without sensing the heart and motivation of the people around. So it often leads to misinterpretations and fear. That fear can easily trigger antagonism, criticism, conflicts and wars.

Our physical mind (the brain) is not created to be able to connect to God, so it cannot understand joy with God even if it kills itself trying. Physical mind is connected with our individual goal, so automatically it worries about everything and mislead us to be self-centered even when thinking to live for God. But the thing is, physical mind is not created to be the Subject. So it's the spiritual mind's weakness and immaturity that allows physical mind to lead us. The wicker ones spiritual mind the more external, materialistic and humanistic is the person.

Now you can understand why physical mind became the origin of all disbelieve, materialism, gossiping, negativity, struggles and wars. Physical Mind's nature is the reason for the 4 Fallen Natures:

   (1) Unable to see God's view - it cannot feel God's Heart
   (2) Leaving its proper position
   (3) Reversing dominion
   (4) Multiplying evil

No matter how good from the humanistic perspective a person is, he will always be a channel for the evil spiritual world, he will always be misled by his physical mind to reverse dominion on many levels because he will never be able to see and follow God's viewpoint when led by his physical mind.

Depression and illness are also result of the physical mind reversal of dominion over our spirit. Not having the sense to God, it only brings confusion, anxiety and fear, which brings us into more problems, stress and sicknesses.

Why it is so? Physical mind is unable to feel God and the spirit world, it has no sensibility to connect to them.. No matter how much it tries it can only think of God rationally, but cannot connect you to God. It's not created for that.

Physical Mind Always Reverses God's Principles

First it is important to distinguish, are we acting under our intuitive spiritual mind guidance or our physical mind dominates us? Most of the thinking people do is from the physical mind, so it naturally leads them to humanism: Reversal of all God's principles. Same like Physical mind reverses dominion over spiritual mind, it will lead them to put object over subject, horizontal over vertical, external and material things over internal and spiritual...

So the more people were thinking how to solve things, the more they developed the Humanistic (Cain-type) philosophy in the history, But to solve problems you have to stop thinking with your brain, relax and liberate yourself from all these external problems.

Then, True Father suggests, to think of the principle figures and live yourself to fall asleep. When you wake up your spiritual sensitivity will be very strong. True Mother also in 1993 stressed how important is to develop our spiritual sensitivity quickly, no to be misled by evil spirits.

Our physical mind cannot recognize what's good and evil, and in fact it always misleads us to accept the evil as good. Example: Humanists think they are doing the highest good, when in fact they are destroying their children spiritually.

The Real Meaning of Mind and Body Unity

What I explained is written in the first pages of the Divine Principle. If you read carefully, Mind and Body unity is, in fact, Spiritual mind and Physical mind unity. Because of the Fall, our physical mind became subject and our spiritual mind got imprisoned, incapable to express and grow. Thus we lost our spiritual sensitivity to God and the truth. Divine Principle is very clear; Unless we develop our spiritual sensitivity to God here on earth there is no way we can feel and connect to God in the spirit world. In our age, the way to achieve that is open.

Your spiritual mind cannot be subject when you are anxious, confused, nervous, worrying. That's a common base with evil spirit world. We absolutely have to win this fight in our minds and lead your body:
"Without resolving those fights, no matter how diligently you practice asceticism... The purpose of practicing asceticism is to resolve this fight. Once you resolve this fight, asceticism will no longer be necessary. Hence, people that possess an elevated standard do not need to suffer. I will certainly lead this damn body." 

More Internal Guidance:


Now the Complete Truth overcomes these false philosophies. The Original Mind is free when Spirit Mind is Subject and Physical Mind unites with it; Thus, the Fallen Natures are gone and the Original Good Nature comes out.

(1) Since the Spirit Mind (Sp.M.) can see God's view and feels God's Heart. (2) Physical Mind is to follow the Spirit Mind guidance (3) Ph.M learns from Sp.M. and resists the fallen natures coming from the lineage (through the Body) (4) Ph.M. multiplies Sp.M. way, propagating God's Will

20 to 30 thoughts come in our mind each minute, from 20-30 spirits, including Satan. Our Spirit Mind is in constant communication with numerous spirits in the spirit world. Our Physical Mind catches some of them, as thoughts. Focusing on particular thoughts it will give common base with this these particular spirit.

People are spiritual beings. Yet now they are spiritually blind, not realizing where their thoughts come from - evil spirit world or good spirit world. Not knowing the Truth clearly we can be easily fulled in our own thoughts and side with Satan.

Only learning the Divine Principle well can give us the power to block Satan and side with God. Then we will find ourselves able to feel and perceive directly God's Heart and Will. Because our spirit mind is where God dwells, so it always knows the answer to every question.

First, learn the difference between how the Spirit Mind works and how Physical Mind works. They have different desires, different objectives. One sees always externally, the other always internally. Ph.M. doesn't know God, nor Sp.W, nor the truth - so it always gets confused, doubting, fearing. But Sp.M. always relates to God, Sp.W. and the Truth - never doubts, never confused, never fears, but always peaceful and loving.

God was in pain for thousands of years, since the fall. Cut off by his own children, trapped and controlled by Satan. How? Lucifer tempted our own ancestors to live a bad life and become evil spirits. Through the ancestors, he can invade and control the lineage.

Satan works through our Bodies (chemicals and energy)

How Satan controls our bodies? - through our lineage! Each cell of our body is connected with the memories of our ancestors. Satan uses many evil angels to induce our ancestors with lies and false promises. Under Satan's command they invade the body and influence thoughts and feelings against God's will.

Chemical reactions and subconscious trapped emotions subjugate the Physical Mind and push it against the Spiritual Mind. Once we understand that and subjugate our Body, Satan becomes powerless. But for this to happen, we have to quickly learn the Principle (Life Elements) and practice (Vitality Elements) so that our Spirit can grow to become Subject.

We live in amazing time when our perfection and liberation is finally possible, after thousands of years of fallen history. Read more...

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Where Our Thoughts Come From

Where Do Thoughts Come From

Accordig to Gariaev (1994), the body is a quantum biocomputer. Thoughts do not randomly spring out of the brain. The brain is only catching them from the field. People in meditation can even feel them, how they bubble as energy, join our field and produce a physical thought.

Hurtak (2004) proposes a broader energy model that recognizes consciousness as the multidimensional matrix of all these quantum fields and hyperfields. They all affect our physical mind.

So where do thoughts come from? A radio or smartphone can catch many from the millions of different signals in the space. But you can click and open particular signal, when you adjust to it's vibrational frequency - a common base. The same way our spirit can connect to any other spirit in the universe, just by creating common base with it's intention.

In 1992 Jesus manifested spiritually and gave a talk in front of thousands of people in Moscow. He explained how things look from the spiritual perspective. In each minute, he said, we have 20 to 30 different thoughts passing through our minds. Where are they coming from? From 20 to 30 different spirits, including God and Satan. Yet, our personal concepts and motivation will determine which of these thought we will start give and take with. See the chart:

Our mind has to parts - earthly physical mind and eternal spiritual mind. The physical mind is like a radio receiver, but our real self is our eternal (spiritual) mind. That's why we all have incredible spiritual abilities, but the problem is the relationship between our mind and spirit.

We live in ignorance, while at the same time, our own spirit knows any answer that we need. But that information is blocked if our physical mind is not united with our spirit  mind.

The program of Remote Viewing was a system to overcome that barrier and acquire information from the subconscious, without the interference of the external-physical mind. But that was really partial. Many spiritualists go way beyond that in their ability. But usually they also did not develop all of their 5 spiritual senses. Thus, they end up with much truth mixed with many misinterpretations.

People talk about 6th sense and 7th sense, not realizing that we have spiritual body with 5 senses. Thus, spirit word is substantial, but our spiritual senses are not develop to be able to sense and relate to it completely.

Francezzo explains the levels of developing our sensibility. Those who didn't develop it at all are blind in the spirit world. They suffer in darkness. Those who have it partially developed, can see and relate the quantum reality around the physical world, but still cannot relate to the spirit world. Only those who had good heart, lived for others and related to God, while on earth, could enter the actual spirit world and live eternally in joy and love with others.

EMOTIONal sensitivity to god

Here are some videos that help some deeper understanding:

So is the source of our thoughts physical or spiritual? The Unification Thought explains that we have internal intellect and external intellect. That is because we have not only physical mind (brain), but also spiritual mind. According to The Principle intellect, emotions and will are functions of the spiritual mind.

"The best way to predict your future is to create it."

So what is the brain doing? The neurological connections provide pathways for logical connections. So, that's the conceptual part (Inner Hyungsung), which should correspond to the absolute laws and principles. So now you see that false believes are traps for your mind. They limit the receiver (your brain) to accept the guidance of your true self (your spirit). That's why restoration was always carried through the Word - the Truth. See, LEVELS OF UNDERSTANDING GOD'S WORD

The Internal War in our Mind

Within ourselves there is a constant struggle between the thoughts coming from the spiritual mind and those from the physical brain. Here is a simple example: When we wake up in the morning, there are two contradicting thoughts: Our spiritual mind says, "Get up", but the physical mind immediately contradicts, "I want to sleep more". That is because our spirit does not need to sleep, but the physical mind needs.

It's important to understand this internal war. The physical mind will start bringing numerous excuses for it's cause until it overcomes the thoughts deriving from the spiritual mind. Thus, the physical mind constantly subjugates and manipulates the spirit mind in this way. We all have one internal manipulator that controls us - our physical brain. As a result, mind and body could not be united. We are subjugated by our physical desires and needs. So we have to regain our control over our physical mind and body.

"Teach your body emotionally what the future is going to feel like in the ideal designed by God."

Most of the thinking people do is from the physical mind, so it naturally leads them to humanism: Reversal of all God's principles. Same like Physical mind reverses dominion over spiritual mind, it will lead them to put object over subject, horizontal over vertical, external and material things over internal and spiritual...

(1) Ph.M. cannot see God's view - it cannot feel God's Heart.
(2) Ph.M. created to be Object to the Sp.M (Is out of it's proper position)
(3) Ph.M constantly reverses dominion over the Sp.M
(4) Ph.M. multiplies evil, propagating Satan's philosophy 

The more one develops his spirit, the more one can sense this internal conflict, because his spirit mind gets stronger. When our spirit mind matures enough, it can naturally lead and dominate our physical mind constantly. But that can happen only if the person is mature enough not to believe and follow the reasoning of the physical mind. This is mostly about overcoming the ignorance. Providentially, since 2012 humanity is experiencing a great CONSCIOUSNESS SHIFT.

Brain, Thoughts and Spiritual Influence

Rev. Moon explains that 80% of our thoughts are coming from the spiritual world. In the book 'A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands', Franchezzo explains how the spirits have numerous ways to influence people on earth.

The physical mind can also catch thoughts from other spirits and can be easily manipulated by them, because of it's ignorance of the source. People who are dominated by the physical mind, thus, are unknowingly objects manipulated by all kind of low spirits. In this way, Humanistic (external, materialistic) people have stronger fallen nature and their actions end up in the direction of evil, even when they intend to do good.

Excessive thinking is a source of many problems. It results from people who are stuck in their neurological connections of their physical brain, thus their spirit is unable to function properly. But such people are also prisoners of low spiritual influence. Read, VISITING THE SPIRIT WORLD IN MY DREAMS

Breaking Addiction to Negative Thinking

Quantum Knowledge: The Power of Our Minds

The Power of Our Minds
Learn of the real power of the human consciousness and heart

At 1927, conference on physics, with the greatest scientific minds attending, evidence of mind over matter were disclosed... creating inexplicable behaviors in quantum mechanics, violating all mathematical models. 

Albert Einstein said, "Anyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that there is a spirit manifest in the laws of the Universe, a spirit vastly superior to that of man."

We are spiritual being with far greater abilities than we could imagine. It is clear that people are capable of remote viewing; we can see into the future and into the past. 

"All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter." Max Planck

Our Vibrations Can Reshape the Cosmos

Based on Quantum Physics studies, Dr William Tiller concluded, "Human intention can significantly influence properties of materials and the nature of reality." 
"The words I am speaking right now are vibrating all over the world and the spirit world. The entire spirit world is connected with our way of life. Your vibration is communicated over the entire world and you can communicate with all of creation." Sun Myung Moon
"Every human being is equally powerful in their creative ability to shape the planet," says Dr. Bruce Lipton Ph.D. - Cell Biologist; "When the entire population is possessing that power, there is more of a likely better resolution and harmony than the world today, where only few people are exercising that power."
"I am a happy person because each deed I do vibrates with love. I can send out waves of love that will vibrate throughout the world." Sun Myung Moon
"Your vibration is communicated over the entire world and you can communicate with all of creation," Rev. Moon explains. "Each object is waiting for your touch, hoping to feelthe vibration of God through you." That's because we were created "to vibrate with God's love," Rev. Moon explains. "Once the spiritual body... receive the vibration of God’s love... his entire physical body will respond to God’s stimuli."

The level of your energy

When scientists measured the energy and waves in regular people and those with special abilities. They discovered that average people's nervous system works at 30 to 100 mV. People with depression or other psychological disorder are in the range of 5 - 9 mV. However, supper athletes train to rise their millivoltage up to 2000 mV. Read, How the Brain Works

The body is a radio utput-receiver:
Spirit body - able to receive the vibrations of God's love
Physical body - responds to that stimuli
You need to increase your level of energy to be able to correctly interact with the universe. Your body is a radio output-receiver. So what source of energy you are connected to?
"Once the spiritual body of man can receive the vibration of God’s love, his whole self will resound with it. His entire physical body will respond to God’s stimuli. That would be the total satisfaction of love." Sun Myung Moon
The more we connect to God, the higher the resonance of our hearts. When our spirit is connected with higher vibrations, our physical body will respond. Consequently, the change in frequency and level of energy can be scientifically measured in the body.

What vibrations people impart

These words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon show how we impart different vibrations depending on where our hearts and intention lie. "We are imparting the vibration to encompass this nation and other nations around the world in order to bring about a positive change." The Vibration of True Love

1. The Core Vibration of True Love

"True Parents are the core vibration through which all the vibrations of the universe can be harmonized. All creation, all people and nations and the spirit world as well need this essential core through which they can have give and take with the universe."

2. Money - gathering Vibration

"..what kind of vibration people impart. Are we talking about a money - gathering vibration? ..The wealthy nations might like it, but all the underdeveloped nations would not want to have anything to do with such a vibration."

3. Power-craving Vibration

"What about the power-craving vibration? That might be good for the ruling class, but for the people who are oppressed, suffering and disregarded, such a vibration of power would be hard to relate with."

4. Knowledge-quest Vibration

"Others might say that the ultimate vibration must be one of knowledge. Knowledge is the ultimate quest, they believe. People with high IQs might approve, but there are many more people who are not geniuses than those who are. Most of the world would respond, "The heck with it; go away."

"Vibrations centering on money, power, or knowledge always lead to an imbalance. One side will be high, while another will be low. So the vibration of True Parents must be centered on true love." Sun Myung Moon, The Vibration of True Love

The Creative Force Behind the Universe

"Man's ability to respond to the true love of God was killed due to the fall. People cannot even recognize God's true love, much less vibrate with it. The whole purpose of salvation is to restore that ability of human beings to vibrate with the love of God. Once the spiritual body of man can receive the vibration of God’s love, his whole self will resound with it. His entire physical body will respond to God’s stimuli. That would be the total satisfaction of love. Nothing more could be desired by anyone." (Rev. Moon; 1-8- 1984)

"Each object is waiting for your touch, hoping to feelthe vibration of God through you.Consider all things holy. Why does a handkerchief owned by a holy man become so valuable?Because of the vibration of the holy man. So you, too, should give all things a holy value.When you touch something, feel that you are giving it glory.The same holds true for the people we meet and live with." On Prayer, Sun Myung Moon

Professor Hans Eysench, chairman of Psychology Department in the University of London, reviled that there is a gigantic conspiracy involving some of the major universities all over the world, to silence the truth about what we knew about the powers of human consciousness.

We Emit Waves of Vibrations

"Every one of you has a broadcasting station in your brain. You emit waves all the time, but the colors of waves vary from one person to another. The variety of these waves makes for harmony; they don't repel each other but rather create a universal harmony. The vibrations you impart... go around the whole world and try to embrace the world and everything that God created... This vibration creates a sense of harmony and unity. has been blocking... this harmonious vibration... the greatest of all human crimes...

(God) wants... all vibrations go out, encircle the world and embrace everybody... We must discover where in the world we can find people of true freedom, of true vibrations.

Suppose you cut off the spiritual dimension and considered vibrations within the physical world only. Would these vibrations be limitless?! ...where can we find people and an organization which vibrates not just in the physical world but also in the spirit world, in the vertical universe?..  What is Reverend Moon trying to accomplish?.. won the hearts of people of the West... the tie that joins us is love.

This is an extraordinary event.. an Oriental man gave out a vibration that encompasses the Western world... Even in the field of religion this has not often occurred."

Each deed I do vibrates with love

"Today's speech is about vibrations. The words I am speaking right now are vibrating all over the world and the spirit world. The entire spirit world is connected with our way of life. Your vibration is communicated over the entire world and you can communicate with all of creation. What a wonderful way of life! Even when you... prepare your product, you can know that each item vibrates your love to the world giving your message of love to others. How dramatic that is!

The people of the secular world are pursuing their own aims. But here we are living and working for the sake of the world and the entire spirit world. You must think, "I am a somebody whose actions echo throughout the world. and the entire world and the spirit world respond... When you throw a stone into a pond, the waves spread out from the point of impact all the way across the pond. Reverend Moon and the Unification Church are throwing stones into ever-bigger ponds, lakes, and finally the ocean. We have been making waves from the smallest to the cosmic level. That stone is the word of God of which I have been speaking. The time has come that whenever I say anything, even the communists debate among themselves as to what the true meaning is.

Look at us within this room: lots of laughter and beautiful, shining faces with the happy give and take of joy, inspiration, excitement and enthusiasm. Compare this room with the outside world.

I am a happy person because each deed I do vibrates with love. I can send out waves of love that will vibrate throughout the world.

The Unification Church is the church of vibration, the vibration of true love... Become a Moonie of true love vibration. From today... take back with you the vibration of true love. You are starting to vibrate today for the sake of the world. Those who want to become true vibrations of love, raise your hands. Where will you give your love vibrations? Home church." Sun Myung Moon, Vibrations of True Love

Watch from the 4:16 what hapens when the brain synchronizes:

The Future of Medicine: No drugs needed

The Future of Medicine 
No drugs needed and no negative side effects. It can be used at home. No need of doctors. Cheep and easy. 

The electromagnetic wave signals emitted by the human body represent the specific state of the human body, and the emitted electromagnetic wave signals are different under the body’s different conditions, such as health, disease, some disbalance or lack of certain nutrients. That's why Rev. Moon asked scientists to study resonance and produce such machines.

You can see this as the future of medicine. Vibrational scanning can be made in a minute, giving a complete picture of everything in your body and the energy around it. Automatically balancing of destructed vibrations can be applied.

There are several different types of Quantum Scanners existing today. Possibilities are unlimited. But it's more about their programming. Some are programmed to check all the vitamins, minerals and organ functions in the body. Others scan the aura, chakras and meridians. They can even show the emotional state, how and where stress emotions are stored, even how the evil spirit world works in the body.

Simply by holding the sensor in your palm, health data will be collected within minutes from various body systems. This advanced electronic system collects the weak magnetic field of human cells for scientific analysis and compares each organ with the referenced database, thereby analyzing and determining a person's health status and main problems.

How does it work? Each bacteria, each vitamin, each element - has a unique frequency. Rev. Moon explained that if we measure the frequency of a spiritually gifted person, we will even connect to the spirit world.

"I instructed them to research this because we have entered an age where the existence of the spirit world can be scientifically proven. This can be done by discovering the frequency of vibrations used by spiritualists when they contact the spirit world." Sun Myung Moon

App Measuring and Balancing your Vibrations

The Future of Medicine:
In 1985 Father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, instructed a group of scientist on how to "research the frequency," which will "enable contact with the spirit world". Based on this, quantum analyzers were developed and special studies were held on people with special spiritual abilities, that resulted in producing the above charts of Heart Resonance and full understanding of the process of spiritual healing. Read more

Here is one interesting finding: Average people work at 30 to 100 mV. People with depression or other disorder are in the range of 5 - 9 mV. Yet, supper athletes train to rise their millivoltage to get their nervous system up to 2000 mV. Your body is a radio output-receiver. You need to increase your level of energy to be able to correctly interact with the universe. Read, How the Brain Works

Mind blowing Biology of Belief - Bruce Lipton

Bruce Lipton The Biology of Belief Full Lecture

Dr. Lipton has a tendency to transform people’s paradigms. As a cellular biologist and leading voice in the field of epigenetics, he’s seen firsthand how our thoughts, feelings, and environment can affect the destiny of the 50 trillion plus cells that make each one of us up. Moreover, he’s brought to light that our 50 trillion plus cells function very much like a community. Everyone has jobs, everyone is affected in one way or another by everyone else, and though we’ve been indoctrinated with the theory of “survival of the fittest”, legitimate health and success is really about cooperation.

The Secret To Turning Vibration Into Results

You need to synchronize vibrationaly with what you want to achieve and gain in life. If you feel you don't have enough money, these vibrations attract exactly that end result. You don't have them! To get out of that state you have to change your vibrational state -  start vibrating in the vortex of prosperity - being it and broadcasting it. 

Yes, this is the symplest low of give and take. Don't focus on the problem, because it will make it expand. Focus on the end result you want. But not as something out of you. Make it your vibrations, as you already have it, so that it will start comming. 

So give up your arguing about your limitations. There is plenty of frequencies, just like on your Radio. You can set yourself on any of those frequencies. Tune to the reality God prepared for you and believe you are there. Nurture it, hold it, don't get destructed out of it. 

The positive attitude is the way to succide. It's not an the easiest way. It means to feel the oppostite but transform those feelings. It's going against the stream. Once you gain victory in your feelings you will know that the thing you prayed for and yearned for will definitely come. The key is 'Feeling it', not just "wanting it." 

Warrying - means you are focusing on the problem!
Only in the absence of a warry your solution will appear!
Turn you attention to what you want. You cannot defy the laws of the universe.

Instead of just warrying yourself more by looking at what was and looking at what is, try differently. See yourself as a creator. Whatever you contemplate, you are already creating. Is there a meaning in creating warries, fears, walls, preventing you to achieve your goal? No! 

Therefore, contemplate from the position of inspiration of what is goona be when you achieve it. Emerse yourself into this feeling. Once your are spiritually there, having spiritually created it, the ways will open for it's appearance on physical plane. 

Living on Energy: Change your Concepts on Food

Overcome our Need for Food
More and more evidence shows that once our spirit gets stronger we don't need much food, we can gain enough energy from the environment

Y.UTS / Unification Psychology

The Principle explains; to dominate our body and liberate our spirit, we should overcome the need for food and put mission and love first. Father asked us to fast, to experience that we can get a lot of power from spiritual activity, not just physical food. When I was doing 7 day fast I felt so much power when praying. It was better then eating and I felt no need for food whatsoever.

Rev. Moon says:
"Man is not a physical body alone.. When you have the experience that you are fed something spiritually, you are not hungry.. Father convinced his mind that he could live on half his meal.. and decided to work even twice as much as other people." (12-28-71)
In this age of CIG many have been elevated spiritually and practice such life - called breatharianism.
Castello even practiced a Breatharian pregnancy — not eating anything during the entire nine months that she carried her first child. Yet, their “food-free lifestyle” has only improved their health and emotional well-being as well as letting them spend money on traveling rather than the weekly groceries.

Now even Scientists explain, that we gain around 20 % or our energy needs from the environment. This percent can go up to 80% they say, if the environment is enreached. So the water, the air, even the spiritual environment itself can be enreached. Our spirit feels stronger and we are no longer dominated by the body's need for heavy food.

For this reason a breatharian who does not need much food in the nature, reports need of substantial food if staying more than 2 days in the city. The energy there is more heavy, material, dirty.

Enreaching water, scientists now can heal cancer. The patience need for food was reduced drastically, because the enreached water gave them all the vitamins, proteins, amino-acids they need.

Father said, it's not necessary to eat 3 times a day. So Breatharians, saying that eating just once and be free the whole day to do other things, sounds more inline with Father, than UC members eating 4-6 times a day and doing no mission.

I also like their attitude; eating or not eating is not the point; they feel free of the need for food, but eat when they like. Food is a way to share love, so you can gather as family and eat together. Jesus said, that eating even a peace of old bread will give you more if you pray and eat it with the right heart.

I was inspired by the shining energy and hearts of this family. I like their explanations. We should not comment without spending time to hear and understand. (1) They Eat - but only 400 calories a day are enough for them.

(2) The not eating part is just some Fasting periods. I did longer fasting - and it's true, I felt how much spiritual power it gives me to just pray. I felt better then eating. I felt no any need for food, whatsoever.

(3) These people meditate and pray a lot for the whole world to rise to higher Resonance of Heart. That's why they are so radiating. I SEE A LOT that WE CAN LEARN FROM THEM

Here is the example of a Vegan Strongman Eating ONE MEAL A DAYWe need to change our concepts about eating and what gives us energy and vitality. He eats only one meal a day, eats no meat, yet has a warrior physique and is a world weight lifting champion. Recently even Keshe, plasma scientist, explained that with the development of our soul, soon we will learn to live with vary little food or no food at all.

Living off Energy, We are Energy - documentary

‘Breatharian’ couple survives on ‘the universe’s energy’ instead of food

A “Breatharian” mom and dad of two have barely eaten for nine years as they live off “the universe’s energy.” They believe that food and water aren’t necessary and humans can be sustained solely by the energy of the universe. Castello and Ricardo have survived on little else besides a piece of fruit or vegetable broth just three times per week since 2008.

Castello explained: “Humans can easily be without food — as long as they are connected to the energy that exists in all things and through breathing.. For three years, Akahi and I didn’t eat anything at all and now we only eat occasionally like if we’re in a social situation or if I simply want to taste a fruit.”

“With my first child, I practiced a Breatharian pregnancy. Hunger was a foreign sensation to me, so I fully lived on light and ate nothing.”

“My blood tests during all three trimesters were impeccable and I gave birth to a healthy baby boy.”

“Since Breatharianism, I feel healthier and happier that I’ve ever done before. When I was younger, my weight fluctuated but now after having two children, my body bounced back to its natural shape immediately. I never suffer from PMS symptoms anymore and I feel more emotionally stable.”

Husband Ricardo, 36, believes that Breatharianism is the ideal way to slash people’s food bills.

Ricardo — who teaches courses about Breatharianism along with Castello — explained: “There is a freedom that comes with not being attached or dependent on food.”

“Obviously, our living costs are a lot less than most families and that has allowed us to spend our money on things that really matter like traveling and exploring together.”

“It’s given us a clear sense of what we want in life. Anyone can live a Breatharian lifestyle and feel the benefits. It’s not about never eating food again, it’s about understanding cosmic nourishment (not just physical nourishment) and living without limits.”

The couple met in 2005 and got married three years later, and later that year they discovered Breatharianism through a friend.

The pair had to slowly work their way from vegetarianism to a vegan diet and then to just eating fruit before starting the “21 Day Breatharian Process.”

In this process, during the first seven days, nothing is consumed except air; for the next seven days, some water and diluted juice; and for the last seven days, diluted juice and water.

Ricardo said: “The 21 Day Breatharian Process was a powerful one and steppingstone into realizing the infinite potential that lies within.

“It led us to explore the breath and its presence within our lives, showing us that we could easily be without food as long as we had air. I used to eat a lot — but I haven’t felt hungry since that process in 2008.”

For the next three years, the couple did not eat solid food at all — even through Castello’s first pregnancy in 2011.

These days they have relaxed the rules slightly, occasionally eating so that they can share the experience with their two children.

Castello explained: “I was completely open to changing my food-free lifestyle when I first became pregnant because my child came first. But I just never felt hungry, so I ended up practicing a fully Breatharian pregnancy.

“I didn’t feel the need or desire to eat solid food during the entire nine months and so I only ate five times, all of which were in social situations.”

“And I knew my son would be nourished enough by my love and this would allow him to grow healthily in my womb. I went for regular pregnancy checkups and my doctor confirmed the above-average growth of a very healthy baby boy.”

“After I gave birth to my son, I wanted to be able to explore the joy of food in small quantities with my children as they grew.”

“So during my second pregnancy, I ate a bit of fruit or vegetable broth during the nine months. It was still a lot less than the recommended intake for a pregnant woman, but I gave birth to a healthy daughter.”

“Now, Akahi and I eat very sporadically — perhaps three or four times per week at the most. I might have a few vegetables, a juice or a bite of an apple with my children. Sometimes we have a glass of water too.”

“Whenever I eat now, it’s not because I’m hungry — I just don’t remember that sensation.”

The couple’s children aren’t forced to practice Breatharianism — although the couple insists that their kids understand the practice.

Ricardo said: “Our children are aware of Breatharianism and the energy that exists in the universe and in themselves.”

“But we would never try to change them and we let them eat whatever they want — whether that be juices, vegetables, pizza or ice cream!”

“We want them to explore the different tastes and have a healthy relationship with food as they grow.”

“It would be unfair to impose Breatharianism upon our children now, but maybe as they grow, they will get deeper into the practices.”

You are more powerful than you think

It is a gift of pure love that we invite all to enjoy! "Thinking that eating less makes you more enlightened, that's when it gets very dangerous," Dr. Edith warns. Vibrate with love, joy and giving. We are all absorbing cosmic energy. Breathing is infinitely more important then eating and drinking.

Redefining Love in our Families

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